How technology has changed the students of the new era?

Technology has changed the students

As we have been seeing the use of mobile devices it is being overused, so some people are questioning the proper use of these devices in children. Most teachers and parents say that this technology is a very useful tool, but how students are too connected? Do I have time using a touch screen is too much?

Devices at school

View teenagers acting as early adapters of technology is not as rare when it comes to the use of a mobile device. More than half of high school students have it a Smartphone. A big jump considering that 10 years ago the cellular ordinary were not as common among children.

Technology has changed the students
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Although schools debate the use of smartphones in the classroom, they are also embracing the technology, as evidenced by the 17% of schools that require the use of tablets or other technological devices. Parents seem to support the technology, the survey found that 90% say these phones make the learning process fun and 76% believe that the tablets generate curiosity.

71% of parents believe that cell generate opportunities for their children irreplaceable learning, while 43% insist they need help finding the best types of education applications. 62% are concerned that cell phones are distracting when they are not used correctly. Perhaps, it is this concern about the possibility of distraction that only 52% say that schools make use of the advantages of smartphones that are provided in class.

The proliferation of cell

More and younger children are exposed to cell every day. More than half of children between 5 and 8 years have used tablets, smartphones and other devices touch screen, that number drops to only 39% among children aged 2 and 4 years, and 10% in children under one year

Education Vs Entertainment

Yet what aspires education, only 57% of households report using tablets for learning. The most popular use is to play video games reported by 77% of families, while 55% and 43% use it for entertainment when traveling or watching TV shows.

There is no doubt that mobile devices can be very effective tools for the process of learning and teaching, but teachers and parents should pay attention to the good overtake the bad. Put clear rules in the classroom to when and how to make use of the devices. Teachers can also use the devices to monitor the progress of their students at home and parents communicate those areas where students need reinforcement.

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