Where College Students Can Look for Career Development Help


College is about more than just obtaining an education. It’s about preparation for a future career. But there’s only but so much schools likes Norwich University can teach you. Students need additional career development help, which can be obtained from a variety of sources. If you’re getting ready to graduate from college, or recently did, you can use the following information to guide you through your career development phase.

Learn About Available Resources

The college you attend normally has a list of resources students can use to find career development assistance. You can find names, addresses and phone numbers of various programs and institutions. Go to your school’s website or bulletin board to learn of these available resources. You can also speak with your guidance counselor or advisor about your options.

Attend Career Fairs

Career fairs show up in college towns before graduation. It’s a good idea to take the time to attend. These are normally held on campus, where students can mingle with local employers. Networking is key for growing your career opportunities. Bring business cards, resumes and your best smile. Dress professionally and be prepared to shake a lot of hands. If you know which organizations will be attending, do some research on the company to see if they offer positions you may be interested in applying for after college.

Join a Career-Building Organization

Sometimes, the best way to learn something is to do it yourself. You can join clubs that revolve around career development. Attending these weekly meetings can be very informative. You may learn about networking, interviews, etiquette and job applications. What you’ll learn here is more in-depth than what you’ll find anywhere else. Plus, you get to talk to experts who can give you additional pointers.

Go to Career Centers

Career centers are very helpful and place you right in the midst of everything. They have dozens of career fairs, mock interviews and etiquette dinners. A lot of students don’t attend and end up missing out on great information. It’s good for even freshmen to go to.

Sign Up for Career-Prep Courses

These are available at some colleges, which can be very helpful for your career development. The great thing about these courses is that they provide a learning experience as well as classroom instruction. Plus, you get paid industry and business employment experiences. You will come out of these with skills and experience, making it easier for you to transition to a real-world job.

The focus of the program is mainly on developing employability skills based on the industry you’re going into. This includes job interview techniques, financial and budget activities, human relations, communication skills and portfolio development.

Look On Campus and Off Campus

At the end of the day, you need to check all available resources, including those that are on campus, off campus and on the Internet. Most students are able to find everything they need with the schools they attend. Search for internship opportunities, career fairs and educational programs you can enroll into.

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