3 Reasons why doodling is good for health

Doodling is good for health

If you tend to scribble every object may not know you are doing something useful here is why it is good for health.

You have a habit of doodling or see that your fellow students fill the edges of pages of doodles strange books? You must know that doodling task may seem meaningless, but has several useful functions for our minds.

The scribbles are sketches we create spontaneously, and that can take many different forms, from faces, objects, landscapes, to abstract designs. There are those who always draws the same subject and who changes every time.

Doodling is good for health
Image Source: Google Image

Make room for creativity and imagination! When we listen to the lesson, when we think back to what we were told when we repeat mentally or a book. What good are the scribbles for a student?

1. They help the concentration

According to scholars, the scribbles help get us back to the memory of what we have done. If you re-read your notes, and review your doodles, these will make you better remember what you’ve been told in class. Doodling does not require great mental effort, but it is enough to keep your mind active just enough to not distract you from your student’s homework. So your brain is stimulated to keep the focus on what you’re doing.

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2. They relieve boredom

The scribble distracts you if you spend too much attention, that is when you focus 100% on the sheet to create a real in your own work of art, rather than listen to the teacher explaining! At this point will only do not get bored during an interminable lesson …

3. Unload the voltage

If scribbles compulsively, it may indicate that you are upset, maybe because they do not understand the topic, or explained why scare the only exam idea. Therefore, the scribble can also be a safety valve to relieve the agitation!

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