Freshman corner: How to adapt to first year?


The impact with the university may not be easy, so here is a little guide that might help you as the setting during your freshman year.

Finally! No more lessons every morning for six days a week, matters affecting less, queries to surprises. After 13 years in which the life of a boy was punctuated by nine months a year by waking up and going to sit at a desk for 5-6 hours during the morning, with a constantly process the same regardless of the level of competence required by over the years, the university life for a freshman appears as an oasis of freedom.

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Pity that such a long contact period with a school model of a certain type ports almost immediately to be a bit ‘out with the new reality, to struggle to understand the rhythms, l and needs, the methods of study and also life to its inside . The impact with the university world is never easy for freshmen, who must inevitably change their way of thinking and living the educational institution that has become a university.

You may also like to read another article on StudyWatches: What is the “study method”?

The short acclimatization requires a bit of time, and even some good straight specifies that can speed it up: the risk is to burn their careers, or at least as much to slow, due to a simple insertion late in the university dynamics. Here are some things to keep in mind to prevent this from happening.

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