E-Learning: How will online learning in 10 years?


Have you ever wondered how it will be e-learning in 2027? In this article, we will try to anticipate a little time, analyzing the five most important trends that we would expect to see in the next 10 years.

Get ready to travel into the future of e-learning without having to pull out of the garage the time machine off or clean up your crystal ball!

Augmented reality

Ten years ago, the idea of moving in a virtual world looked like something from science fiction movies. Today, it is a reality, thanks to various Oculus Rift, Google Glass and other virtual reality viewers.

In 2027, the reality will probably increased a key turning point for e-learning, creating virtual learning environments that perfectly simulate the physical ones. These environments, of course, allow the interaction between learners and between learners and teacher, just as is the case now in the classroom.

Even from the point of view of work could change everything: the virtual reality will in fact allow employees to interact with the tools you would find in the workplace, such as terminals, machinery and equipment.

Image Source: Google Image

The Big Date

The Big Data are for some time on everyone’s lips. Today certainly of great importance, in the future will be even more important, especially for the learning / online learning world.

Thanks to the analysis of data, in fact, they can thoroughly understand the processes of learning, analyzing the reactions of learners.

The aim is to create customized training programs to meet the educational needs of individuals.

You may also like to read another article on StudyWatches: Study in the network: From online universities to free courses

The Cloud

Already, a number of Learning Management System platforms (LMS) are available in the Cloud. However, in 2027, there is a high probability that almost all tools e-learning authoring will be moved to the cloud.

This is mainly due to two reasons …

  1. More and more companies appreciate the benefits of web-based training;
  2. Employees have access to online training resources when and where they want.

The wearable technology (wearable device)

Today, many people use the smartwatch and other wearable gadgets to monitor their fitness, read the news or making calls.

The future of wearable technology, however, is moving towards more discreet and versatile devices, perhaps integrating them in clothing and accessories.

The possibility of using these devices (even) for online training opens practically infinite scenarios. For example, learners can access the educational resources in the bus ride to get to work, while they are in queue or lunch break.

Personalized training

In 2027, there is a good chance that all aspects of a course in e-learning will be fully customized to meet the training needs of the learner.

Enough, then, lessons or tasks too easy (demotivating) or too difficult (frustrating), the learning will be tailored!


All the trends mentioned in this article, in our view, will enable the creation of engaging experiences and highly customized for each individual learner.

This perspective translates into an increase in student motivation and a consequent benefit to all stakeholders.

Are you ready for 2027? You are also willing and ready to make the most of new technologies to create e-learning courses immersive and interactive for the students of tomorrow?

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