Higher education-The Ministry of Education of Germany presented a detailed report. How are things with German universities and those who receive a diploma in them?
For the seventh year in a row, a whole group of scientists has been preparing a report on the German education system. In 2018, it is a detailed analysis of the current situation on 377 pages. Without going into details, we give the main conclusions.
Higher education: The situation in universities
In total there are 403 educational institutions in Germany that provide higher education. Over the past 20 years, their number has grown at times, mainly due to the emergence of new higher schools (Fachhochschule) and private institutions. Not only does the number of universities grow, but also the number of programs offered by them. For today it is possible to choose from 19 thousand specialties. Read more: How to prepare for the exam in 3 days: The most effective methods
In 2017, 511 thousand people entered German universities. For the fifth time in a row, the number of first-year students has exceeded the half-million mark. Their average age has decreased in recent years and is now about 19 years. Those who have not yet reached the age of 18 at the time of admission are less than 1 percent in German universities. It is curious that the share of students who are starting to study at the university after 25 years remains at a stable high: about 14 percent. As a rule, these are students of the faculties of medicine and psychology. This is due to the fact that there is a certificate contest for these specialties and many do not come from the first time. Read more: How to beat the exam stress in 10 Easy Ways
Record high is the number of students dropping out of school: at the moment it is almost a third of all students. This indicator is especially high among foreign students who come to German universities. However, many, having dropped their studies in Germany, continue to study at home.
And, nevertheless, German universities remain a real magnet for foreign students. Today, every fifth of Germany’s universities is a foreigner. Approximately 40 percent come for a semester in exchange, about 30 percent want to get a bachelor’s degree, more than a quarter are trained in a magistracy and 3 percent are working on writing a dissertation.
Chances of finding a job
In Germany, to receive a bachelor’s degree, an average of seven and a half semesters. Studies in the bachelor’s and, subsequently, the master’s program will take an average of 12.3 semesters.
Graduates of higher educational institutions “have very good chances of finding a job,” as the authors of the report write. It should be noted that over the past ten years there have been no serious structural changes: more than 40 percent of graduates graduate from the legal, economic faculties, as well as the sociology department. 34 percent of graduates have diplomas in “mint specialties” – mathematics, informatics, natural and technical sciences fall into the group MINT in Germany. This is a very high indicator compared to other European countries, which can not but rejoice in Germany.
The holders of the university diploma earn on average more than specialists with vocational education: hourly wages in the first case are eight or nine euros higher. Among graduates of German universities, there are fewer unemployed. The unemployment rate among specialists with higher education is slightly higher than two percent. At the moment, the average unemployment rate in the country is almost twice as high.
The fact that higher education interferes with employment, according to the authors of the study, is not confirmed in life. In the labor market, both bachelors and masters are in demand. However, bachelors things are more complicated: only a third work in the specialty. Scientists explain this by high competition from graduates with a master’s degree.
The positive effect of education
Education is beneficial for everyone: for everyone personally and for the state as a whole. Educated men and women are better integrated into society, earn more, participate more actively in political and social processes, eat healthier food and more fortunate ones. To this conclusion, scientists came. In the population with incomplete secondary education, more smokers, and lovers of unhealthy food.
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