Pros and Cons of Retirement Planning

Employer-sponsored 401(k) plans are a great way to save for retirement, but they have downsides. For example, healthcare costs are high for early retirees, and you cannot transfer your pension if you change employers. In addition, you have to worry about taxes if you retire early. But with some knowledge and research, you can find the best plan for you.

Employer-sponsored 401(k) plans incentivize saving

Many employers offer 401(k) plans for their employees, which allow them to contribute a portion of their wages. These plans can help employees save for retirement planning Somerville NJ through automatic savings and tax breaks. Employers can also offer group health plans as an added benefit to employees.

A 401(k) plan may offer a variety of investment options. One option is a target-date fund, which holds a mix of stocks and bonds according to an employee’s age and expected retirement date. The percentage of stocks varies by age, with a higher allocation for younger workers.

The maximum contributions in a 401(k) account are tax-deductible for the employee, depending on the employee’s age. As of 2016, contributions to a 401(k) plan can be as much as $18,000 per year. This amount may be increased if the employee is 50 years or older.

Healthcare costs

If you plan to retire before Medicare coverage becomes available, you’ll have to purchase private healthcare through a job, spouse, or the Health Insurance Marketplace. Even the most basic plan costs $1,075 a month for a 62-year-old retiree. In addition to medical expenses, you’ll also have to pay for vision and hearing care.

The good news is that you may use a health savings account to save money for future medical expenses. An HSA can help you earmark 5% to 15% of your savings for healthcare. You can also make healthy lifestyle changes to reduce your healthcare costs. These are just a few ways to make your retirement plan more affordable.

As the population ages, healthcare costs continue to rise. According to RBC Wealth Management, by age 75, health care costs will be 15 percent of overall spending, which is more than double what you’ve spent during your working life. As a result, advisers are finding ways to help retirees manage their medical costs.

Pensions don’t transfer if you change employers

You may have been told that you can only transfer your pension if you change employers, but this isn’t true. You can share your assistance from your previous employer to a new one, provided the new company has a workplace pension plan. In this article, we look at how to do that.

You should make sure you know your employer’s pension rules. Your plan’s rules will determine when you can withdraw from your pension. Generally, you can retire at age 55, but you must have a certain number of years of service to qualify for complete assistance. You can invest your pension to increase its long-term value if you’re a disciplined investor. Alternatively, you can opt for an annuity, which provides guaranteed monthly income without the hassles of investing.

If you change employers, notify your service provider of any changes to your details. For example, if you’re changing jobs, you may need to change your address. Also, make sure you update all the information on your pension accounts.

Tax deferral

If you are saving for retirement, you should consider tax deferral as part of your plan. The money you save in tax-deferred accounts will grow at a faster rate. This benefit can be found in many retirement plans, including IRAs, 401(k)s, and annuities. Withdrawals from these plans are taxed at ordinary income rates. However, the IRS may impose a 10% penalty tax if you withdraw money before you turn 59 1/2.

Another advantage of tax deferral is that you can make contributions to an account that will compound tax-deferred until you withdraw the money. This compounding effect can be dramatic over a long period and make a big difference in your nest egg come retirement. In addition, individuals who invest in tax-deferred accounts often do so while working when their tax bracket is higher.


Financial advisers must consider the particular requirements of their clients, whether they want a little additional assistance with retirement savings or want to make better selections about the sort of retirement plan they should select. Americans have more opportunities than ever to save for retirement, but their behaviors tend to change as they get older. A recent study by Pew Charitable Trusts examined financial indicators among Americans by generation, including overall wealth and retirement readiness. The study also examined the differences between participants in retirement plans and what caused these differences.

While most private-sector workers have access to employer-sponsored retirement plans, a significant minority don’t. For example, only seventy-seven percent of workers in small and medium-sized businesses have access to a retirement plan. Similarly, only one-third of workers in large firms have access to employer-sponsored retirement plans.

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