What do you want your teacher know?

Teacher know

The Motherlode, a blog of the Times, about family life, recently published two post on teachers who wanted parents to know, and what parents know that teachers wanted. That led us to think: What young teachers want to know?

That teachers simply do not know about you or your colleagues – what you think, about what happens in your life outside the classroom, or anything-you wanted to know.

Teacher know
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In the article mentioned above, “5 things parents want teachers to know” the author states: After writing the first article about the things that teachers like to know about parents “realized that parents began to fill his inbox with the things that they want the teachers to know – and why not – the ideal conference between parent and teacher is an opportunity to give and receive, a time and space for both parents and teachers to share their observations. This was what the parents who were contacted teachers want their children to know:

We tell the truth. This was the most popular suggestion was received. A mother wrote in an email: “Teachers will try to be kind and decent when talking to parents, but while this fulfills a social convention, it is unfair to our children. Teachers have a unique advantage over our children, and help them better when families do not try to embellish messages. Give me the good, bad and ugly news, and then let me as a parent decide what to do with that information

“As a teacher he was surprised by the omnipotence of the appeal. It goes against most teachers, understanding how to give bad news. I and many other educators have tried to provide “sunduches critics” a conference between parent and basic teacher defined by a piece of juicy and important cubists criticism between two pads – if you can sincere and true-compliments are refiner to directly try the criticism. But if parents really want teachers to deliver a good, bad or ugly news, should make this clear preference. Let them know what you can bear. I think once you do the teachers know that you can handle the truth, they will be relieved and appreciate you so request.”

When asked students who expected that teachers knew about them the answer more stressed and that there was unanimity was that teachers should think the time allocated to their tasks, many of them act and impose tasks assuming that is the only subject they are seeing students and do not consider the other tasks of the other disciplines. It is very important to optimize the time of class work for the time you must invest at home is very effective and is not long.

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