Helpful Resume Advice for College Students

Education 2030

Now that you’ve graduated from college, it’s time to start looking for a job. The key to securing interviews is to make a good first impression. Your resume is normally the first contact an employer has with workers. This is why you need to make sure that it’s impressive. Since this is likely your first time looking for work, you’re going to need some help putting together a solid resume. The following tips can be used to get you started.

First Things First, Write Down Your Experiences

How can you have a resume without having worked in the field before? Even if you’ve had a job at a non-related company, it can be used to reference your experience and skills. There are things you’ve done in high school and college that can also be used to beef up your resume. So the first thing you need to do is make a list of all your experiences. This includes coaching youth leagues, heading fund raisers, being a team captain, speaking at an engagement, interning with a company, partaking in community service and other school activities.

List them all in a way that will showcase your skills and what you’ve learned. The employer should feel like they need the qualities you bring to the table.

Summarize Your Qualifications

At the top of your resume, there should be a summary of your qualifications. This will give the employer an “in a nutshell” view of who you are. This should only include your top qualifications, preferably those that are most relevant to that employer and position.

Put Your Education at the Top

Most resumes position the education section at the bottom of the resume, but that’s because they finished school long ago and instead list relevant positions and projects. Since you recently finished college, this should be placed at the top. Since you lack the experience, you need to emphasize your knowledge.

Make Unrelated Jobs Sound Relevant

It’s usually unadvised to put jobs on your resume that aren’t related to the industry you’re applying for. However, if you can pinpoint why it’s relevant then it’s fine. For instance, if the job position is looking for communication and customer service skills, you can list your position as a waiter at a local restaurant, where you had to accommodate guests and keep them happy. Point out this fact and how it relates to what the employer is looking for.

Include Any Successes You Had

Maybe you reached a fund raiser goal or guided your team to a championship – these all showcase your ability to follow through with goals and reach them. It doesn’t matter if the achievements aren’t related to the industry you’re applying for – they’re looking for individuals who can accomplish positive results for their own companies. So if you’re a great leader or exhibit great marketing and communication skills, then prove it!

You worked hard while attending Maryville University. Now, it’s time to showcase your skills in the real world. Use the above resume tips to help you land a job in your field.

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