How to set standards and rules in class Primary

Class Primary

Establish standards and rules Primary class is essential for children to know that they must behave properly and thus improve concentration, learning and, above all, motivation for knowledge. The rules also serve as a guide to orient students throughout the school year.

Tips for setting standards and rules in class Primary

In this article, you will find some tips so you can set the rules and classroom rules clearly and students comply.

It allows students to give you their opinion

It is important that students feel protagonists at the time to establish and fix the rules and class rules thus responsible for compliance will feel. It is important that students see the opportunity to make decisions of what is expected of them, so follow the rules more closely and remember better.

Class Primary
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Teaches rules

When they are the rules, it is appropriate to teach the same students. The most important way is to do with the daily example, but you can also use a class tutoring for an RPG-Playing where students interpret the rule well made and badly made and a short discussion of each to be made understand it better.

Put them in class

When they are all set rules and fully understand each by all students, then it’s time to hang somewhere in the classroom where students can see them every day without problems. It is also important that students have written rules on its agenda, or a copy of the rules home so do not forget carried.

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Establishes maximum 5 rules

Establish many rules only serve to confuse students and who do not remember what the most important or what is expected of them exactly. A people and children find it easier to remember the rules or numbers when you do not exceed 5, so I suggest you set from 3 to 5 standards and when they are already internalized can change them by new rules but always grouping them into rules 3 to 5.

Sets standards positive

So that students can feel as their own standards and to fulfill them well, you’ll have to try that standards are written in positive, i.e. avoiding putting the word “NO”. For example if you want students to remain silent in class will put a rule that says: “Keep silent” instead of putting “No speak”. So students had better accept the rules to be written in a positive way.

What are your secrets to set standards and rules in your Primary class?

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