How to recover the shortcomings: 11 tips to avoid bad grades


June is a distant mirage, but it means only one thing: summer and holidays … not for those who have debts! Here are the tips of our prof. to recover the shortcomings of the first part of the school year.

Shortcomings? How to recover materials under 6

At school it is time for an initial assessment both for those who, ended the quarter in December, are in the middle of new tests to overcome difficulties or to improve further, both for those who wait or have already received the results at the end of the quarter. So it is time to start studying intensely, in every way and in every case, especially for those who find themselves having to recover one or more shortcomings arrived with the first report card. How to do? Here are some useful tips.


Recover insufficient: 10 + 1 tips from prof

Do you want to prevent your summer from being compromised by bad grades? Here are some tips to follow to improve the report card in the pentameter or second quarter and spend the summer free from debts …

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  1. Be aware of your limitations and do not blame the prof: Take it with others, it makes you feel good at the moment, but they will not solve the problem for you.
  2. The prof. you are not hostile: Teachers do not enjoy your failures and do not like (in most cases) put the shortcomings, because they know that after all for them is a small defeat.
  3. Ask the prof. on how to deal with their subject: Do not raise a wall with your teachers, but tell us: in this way they will see you interested and you will know directly from them what they want, the strategy to overcome the obstacle.
  4. Allied with your teammates: Join other students to prepare for the checks, especially good ones, watch them to understand their secrets, organized with some of them for a shared study, but do not just look for them because you need, they could take it worse than a failure!
  5. Prepare a recovery study plan: If necessary with a calendar in front Valorize free days, hours without commitments, sacrifice something you like, but do not take away all space for relaxation, friends, sport and leisure.
  6. Follow the courses or other forms of recovery: Do not snub the extra lessons or other forms of support for the students proposed by the school: always being present, participating and intervening show that you want to get the sufficiency and even more.
  7. Make plans, synthesis, produce summaries, but do it yourself!: Copying or downloading here or there does not really help you to learn: to create a method of study it is necessary that you re-elaborate the material
  8. Keep a close eye on the program: Remember that even while you recover the lessons go on: do not risk to stay further back.
  9. Do not delay the study: Do not wait for a better time to dedicate yourself to books, do not believe that just a few nights or wake up at dawn; in each of these cases it will always be too late.
  10. Study with a clock in front, setting a start time, a pause time, an end time: If necessary, tip an alarm clock to remind you to stop for fifteen minutes and then get back to work. If you keep the pace, you’ll be better psychologically and you’ll be convinced that you can do it in front of a bunch of pages.
  11. Usually I would stop at ten tips, this should not even be written, however, for safety, turn off your smartphone!

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