Mini-coaching to increase motivation in the study
In what circumstances, places and moments you are more discouraged?
This question is to find out when and where demotivation acts. It is important to know when and where to act at that time and to positively overcome this condition. Do not forget that the motivation is purely and simply a result of a thought emotional condition. The motivation is produced by a thought. A thought that comes at certain times and get a person does not do something you like to do or that you would hypothetically illusion does.
Generally, as the treated cases, demotivation often occurs in the pre-implementation of actions linked to the study or during the study, at times most difficult phases.
What thoughts often accompany those moments?
This question will tell us that thoughts precede negative emotions associated with demotivation. The thought that generates demotivation is a form of intrusive distraction that connects us with a negative and hopeless about the future vision. Knowing that thought will help us change the results.
Normally, negative thoughts are often associated with two aspects: negative thoughts about oneself (not being able to do so), or about events (will not happen what you want). These thoughts are often associated with limiting beliefs: for example, a treaty if the person was unmotivated and through this question realized that negative thoughts emerged from the belief of not being able to study alone at home and in the morning, because I had always done in the afternoon and in the company.
What previous experiences have lived in your life that exemplifies the opposite? / What it is what allowed you to happen like this? What skills, strategies and resources helped you achieve this? How you could put them back into practice?
This question can help us have a more complete picture of events and not fall into the drudgery of time. Perhaps the person has had previous experiences in your life that show just the opposite. Keep them in mind and know what strategies, resources and skills enabled him to do, help the person not only to put remedies to this situation, but to feel more confident and their own.
Despite how valuable it can be the content of that response, we may find ourselves in a new situation for which no previous experiences are positive: in his case would be appropriate move to the next question.
What can you change or what should happen to not have that thought?
The answer to this question we will mark the new strategy to change the course of events. Retaking the previous case, the person concerned realized that if I studied day and in a library, surrounded by people who did the same to her, then that thought would be so present in his mind: indeed, that’s what it happened.
You may also like to read another article on StudyWatches: I tried to study but … Wasting time!
What part of the activity to make you like best? How you could consider promoting this activity?
This question makes us aware of the most enjoyable part of the task related to the study, and that’s not all bad or ugly, but the task hidden possibilities of delight. If we manage to study drawing more this activity will become an unattractive in more pleasant task.
When we feel fairly motivated it is desirable that the most attractive tasks are left to the end of a study session, but when the motivation is paralyzing and what it costs us more is the starter, should start the study session from that task and all study sessions include some of that task.
How can you divide what you have to study in micro objectives? What purpose would get in each session?
The summit stops worrying when we focus on the stage. Often what most demotivating is the fact of having to deal with something that requires a considerable amount of time, effort and commitment. Syndrome “giant sandwich” can be resolved by splitting the sandwich into small pieces and eat each piece part by part, while others leave them “on hold”.
Be clear about the specific objective of each study session will help us commit ourselves to the task and not leave as long as is sufficiently achievable.
What are you studying? What do you get with it? What person you want to become through the study? How will your life when you’re like that? What you see, you hear and feel when you get it? Do you really want to become it?
Be clear about the existential meaning it has for us the task of the study will help us overcome the small moments of doubt and uncertainty: who has a “why”, than almost any “how”, as long as you want really.
It may be that after this question we realize we really want not to become that. Perhaps then what we are “suffering” is not so much a question of motivation, but of doing something that is not aligned with our real life purpose. The problem then is not that we are unmotivated, but we motivate other things and we feel bad about not devote ourselves to them. Maybe it’s then time to change course. Visit for more content like this.