6 ways to increase your productivity in the mornings

Productivity in the mornings

Notice: Before attempting to increase your productivity should make sure you understand why you’re trying to do this. If you lack motivation, your tomorrow will be much harder and be more likely to abandon your task halfway.

1. Prepare things the night before

If you spend some time the night before, preparing some things, you need in the morning; your day will start with a simpler way. Things like leaving the clothes you are going to use, ready or bag made…

The fewer things have to do in the morning, the day will become more downhill and have more energy for more important tasks.

Productivity in the mornings
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2. Waking up at the right time

Is it hard horrors wake up in the morning? Maybe it’s because when your alarm sounds is the time of “deep sleep” for you. So much, hate morning, because we have to detach the covers at the time when sleep is more peaceful and pleasant.

There are applications like “Sleep Cycle” using the motion sensor of your phone for it to wake you when your dream is in the lightest point.

3. A cold shower

If it is impossible to think of a cold shower just open your eyes, start with hot water for a minute and see gradually changing the water temperature, until it reaches cold.

The cold showers in the morning have many benefits: increased energy, improves blood circulation and activity of the glands, as well as strengthening your immune system.

4. Eat breakfast good

NEVER, NEVER, NEVER start the morning on an empty stomach. It is not only the most appetizing meal of the day (you can eat all you want!) actually has a positive effect on your productivity and your overall health, nourish your brain and your body making you to be more efficient in everything you do.

You may also like to read another article on StudyWatches: Tools to decide on a career

5. Enjoy the quiet moments

Mornings are perfect for this time. There is no one to bother you, or there are interruptions that divert your attention.

The mornings are a good time to do strategic planning and other jobs that require deep thought. Seize this moment to you!

6. It outlines your morning the night before

What are the 3 things you want to do the next day? Write them down and follows the scheme morning. This will keep you within the selected path and you will draw the most of your tomorrows.

The most important thing to perform well in the morning is go to bed at a decent time and sleep as calmly as possible for 7 hours … So you know! For more Visit http://wordgrill.com/

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