Why is it important road safety education for children?

road safety education

Do children need to receive driver education? If we opt for the maximum safety of our children, one alternative to consider it is to motivate the transmission of these values in the schools and the family unit so they know how to navigate the streets of the city. We talked about it on our blog Education.

A program of road safety as an integral part in the education of students from an early age in all teaching center has provided its relevance in the organic law, the preamble refers to the need is to implement at different stages of development of students at the level of training, which is literally recorded as “values education transversely throughout all school activities.”

One of the fundamental pillars of this education in values, which are referred to in these first lines, related to the transmission of knowledge on road safety, including in all curricula of the different autonomous communities and in the core curriculum implemented since the Ministry.

road safety education
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What is driver education?

The driver education has as main objective to promote and develop intellectual skills and certain skills for small know how to have to operate from now on public roads, either as a mere pedestrian or when already are old enough to drive a vehicle.

Beyond the schools, it is very important that the parents themselves also do their part, even minimally, so that their children can develop values, attitudes and rules of road behavior during their early years.

The need for adults accompany small to move through the city streets basically responds to children in their early years have not yet developed their sensory perception , their ability to reason, skills motor skills or to make decisions with respect what you can deal with any problems or obstacles that occur on the roads.

What we learn in driver education for children?

The content that revolve around traffic education and could receive our children in schools are aimed, for example, to define what is a public road, making clear their type, features and key parts, as well as basic notions on the main traffic rules and road signs.

As mentioned in previous lines, we will try to develop certain skills and warning signs to move as a pedestrian in the city, the potential risks of accidents or even the benefits that sustainable mobility can provide.

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Games road safety education for children

All games and activities that can be developed, combining both playful and purely informational aspects must be adapted at all times to each age group, considering their level of independence and knowledge on the subject.

The idea of these activities is to recreate real situations that the child can be found both in a rural setting and urban so that in this way you know what you should and should not do in each situation, what is the main meaning of the signals traffic with whom you will meet along the way, what are the safest attitudes that can implement and, of course, promote respect for others, one of the values that many times, both pedestrians and drivers do not usually have into account and it is desirable to enhance and transmit from an early age.

Other values   important are the coexistence, solidarity, tolerance, responsibility and ultimately promote at all times the human relations in public.

The road safety education should be one of the basic pillars in the formation of smaller early age if we want to contribute to their maximum safety and protection of their welfare.

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