How to study in a hurry with speed reading technique

speed reading technique

Do you want to learn quickly and well? Here for you the fast and storage techniques for reading!

You have much to learn and little time to do it? A good ally for you could be the techniques of fast memory read : these methods with a real scientific basis that will allow you to read more rapidly any text, managing thus to rake in more concepts in a very tight time schedule. In this guide, we’ll give you some tips to approach these speed reading techniques and we’ll show you the most popular and effective.

1) Learn quickly with fast reading techniques

If you read too quickly, then you do not understand what is written. I’ll repeat all: teachers, parents, and teachers at primary. Yet it is not entirely true: the quick read if practiced artfully and wisely is a real godsend, a means to make shorter study afternoons, but no less effective.

The fast reading and memorization techniques are methods that allow you to make the most out of sight and mind to achieve excellent results in no time. It is therefore a reading system evolved whereby, strengthening your eye muscles and exercising those mental faculties that you need to understand the graphic signs and their meanings, can you learn quickly but well.

Does it seem impossible? Here’s how it works: the secret lies in identifying with little more than a glance the really important content of a text (which usually make up about 30% of everything that is reported) without having to re-read several times the same phrase. So you can spare a limited time to study, without risking the question to go bad, and allow you to carve out some time for you and your passions.

2) Technical reading for quick study: Getting started

The speed reading techniques are not just urban legends: they are the result of careful research implemented by reputable scholars over the last century. These studies are then born of specific courses, aimed mainly at students, but also open to all those who need to store in their heads a large amount of information in a short time.

The speed reading techniques are mainly focused on a targeted workout of the eye muscles. In fact, just like the rest of our body, including the eyes possess a muscle that needs to be constantly trained in order to be able to give the best of themselves.

Keep your eyes trained will allow you to increase your field of view and then to read faster. It has been shown that, during the traditional reading, our eye uses a visual field of about 3 cm, which means that, once you read what is contained in this confined space, we need to look away and move on. The muscle training proposed by the speed reading techniques allows instead to expand its field of vision up to about 5/6 cm, which means halving the measurement time.

Not only read faster also it allows you to not let time your mind to be distracted, because too focused on understanding what it says in the text as quickly as possible.

You may also like to read another article on StudyWatches: How to find a good method of study

3) Techniques of reading fast and storage

Once completed these first attentions, you are ready to take their first steps into the world of fast reading techniques storage.

1. Expand your field of vision

I have already explained the importance amplifier your field of vision to be able to read in less time. But how? A good technique is the one that involves the use of “roar of words” : this is a practical DIY instrument you’ll simply realize cropping within a sheet a kind of diamond-shaped stencil. Once created, simply place it on a page of a book of your choice and, keeping his eyes fixed on the center of the diamond, try to read each line of text contained portion.

At first, it finds it difficult to read everything, especially towards the outer edges. By repeating the exercise every day, however, your vision will greatly increase and you will then be easier to read in increasingly short time.

2. Learn to recognize the words

Another useful exercise to train the eye muscles regards the visual word recognition. You’ll have to choose a simple word that you know for sure be contained in a text. With just a glance, you’ll need to try to track down the selected word on the page.

3. Use a pointer

After training the eye muscles, and widened your visual field, you can dedicate yourself to the true art of speed reading. The first advice we give you is to use a pointer. Do you remember when you learned to read, you were helping with your finger to follow word for word and not risk losing you? Here, you have to do practically the same thing. You can use your finger, a pen or even better, with the only difference that you will follow your finger in your eye, but vice versa. You’ll need it to move your cursor forwards always a moment before your eyes have completed the reading of words. You will then your eyes have to follow the pace of your pointer, and not the other. Moving the pointer at a rate slightly higher than your normal reading speed, you’ll have to read more quickly and in an effort to keep up, you’ll have to rake in your mind only the necessary information of the text, eliminating all that it is unnecessary and superfluous.

4. Entrust the potential of your brain

Initially it will seem not to understand anything of what is written in the text. Yet, at the end of reading, you will realize to be able to make an effective summary because your mind will have forfeited the basics. Slowly you abandon the habit of reading word for word – the practice that most slows down our reading – and gather the general sense that is far more important in the study of a text and its storage.

Therefore, avoid to go back in and re-read the text over and over again that phrase that just is unclear to you, let yourself go to an intuitive reading. This will not focus yourself on single words but to grasp 2, 3, 4 at a time.

It would be quite useless to quickly read a text but did not remember what it says. It tries to make sure, at the end of reading, if you really saved time and how much you really learned.

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