How to Take a Good Grades at the University in 7 Steps

Get a Good Grades

Are you a college student and would you like to have good grades? Find out in 7 steps how to take a good grade at the university!

How to study at the university: 7 tricks to take a good exam grades

Taking good grades at university exams will allow you to keep a high average and present yourself to the discussion of the thesis with the concrete chance of getting the 110th and praise. Do you think it’s not important? Think about it as an employer: would you hire a resource that has demonstrated commitment and constancy during the course of study or one that is presented with a 90 streak? However, it is not always easy to find the technique to shine through exams.

Take high grades at college, rule number one: Study at a time

It seems despicable, but it is not. In addition to consistently following the lessons, to look for a good exam you will have to study at a time, without getting to the last minute full of lessons to learn. You do not have to spend the last week before checking your books 24 hours a day: your mind will overburden and will not assimilate anything. Better to study the topics discussed right after the end of the lesson. In this way you will remember the words of the professor and the notes taken and the last days before the test you will focus only on the review.

Want to take a good grades? Then find a companion to study before exams

Find a companion for courses to practice and retake in view of the exam. If you do not understand some concepts, it is likely that will help you, and vice versa. In addition, in two you can simulate a real oral exam, interrogating each other and correcting responses and exposing. The presence of a companion in your own situation will also serve to binge on anxiety and you can make each other brave.

Get a Good Grades
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Being careful during the lesson is the first step to having a good university study method

This point assumes you are a frequent student, which is also advisable for those university courses that do not provide compulsory attendance. Being careful during the lesson will help you understand the most difficult concepts and consequently it will be easier to memorize them. Additionally, professors tend to add concepts that are not found in books: if you know how to repeat them in lesson, you will automatically have an advantage over those who have not been careful.

You may also like to read: How to deal with Exams at the University: Practical Guide to Understanding How It Works

To make a good grade at the university does not improvised: It prepares summaries and diagrams

After each lesson I summarize the most important concepts in an easy-to-understand scheme: it will help you when some time has passed and you will need to resume the books for the final review. Use highlighters, colored pens and post-it: in addition to making the studio fun, it will enhance your visual memory and memorize the concepts more easily.

Exams are not all in life (part 1): Take proper meals

Immediately before examining, eat healthy foods and do not overdo the portions. Take all the nutrients: protein, carbohydrates, and vitamins, but keep it light in the evening before the exam. In the morning you are having breakfast: there is nothing wrong with presenting you at fasting. The mind needs nourishment to work best: in the absence of this you could go to memory leaks and fainting faults.

Exams are not all in life (part 2): Sleep at least 8 hours

Do not make the mistake of spending the night before studying. The study of the last minute does not serve anything, because the stressed mind does not assimilate the concepts: it is shown by various studies and researches. The night before the examination go to sleep early and wake up at least an hour before the exam. This will allow you to face the mind-rested examination and make a generous and relaxed breakfast just awake.

The ultimate trick to better face a college exam is hold a marker in your hand during the oral exam

When you support an oral, the tension rises to the stars. According to Daniel Goleman, a psychologist and writer at the New York Times, the more strained you tend to move your hands and arms to gesturing, causing your interlocutor annoying and making you perceive how insecure. To avoid this, keep a pen or pen in your hand: it is also the less experienced politicians when they have to speak in public. In this way, you can no longer perform insecure gestures like touching your hair or putting your hands in front of your mouth, increasing the state of relaxation of your mind at the same time.

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