How to deal with Exams at the University: Practical Guide to Understanding How It Works

How to deal with Exams

For a freshman, the University may be a challenging challenge to deal with. Very different from superiors, the University allows for more freedom, but it also requires a lot more organization regarding the study, attendance of courses and examinations.

Understanding how the bureaucratic apparatus works, knowing what each professor requires from his students and getting ready for an exam can be difficult. Here is a small guide of the experts with the info and the straight lines, from booking to the actual test, to avoid making false passages in dealing with an exam.

How to deal with University Exams: Booking

To qualify for an exam at the University you have to book. Today, most faculties provide an online portal through which students can book exams. However, the enrollment method is at the discretion of each professor, so it may happen that an “old school” professor asks you to book by writing his name, surname and signature on a simple sheet hanging from the door of his office. Always ask the professor for how you can book that exam and do it with a minimum of advance. Remember, usually, if you are among the first to sign up, you will be the first to take the exam.

How to deal with Exams
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How are exams at the University: What are exons?

Some professors may decide to break the final exam of their subject in several parts. In this case you will be able to choose to face each partial (by booking the exam as seen above) and have a final vote drawn from the average of the votes given to individual exonerates, or to directly support the exam at the end of the course. Parents are usually suitable for those who attend the lessons and serve the professor to distinguish the attendants from non-attendants.

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How are exams at the University: Attending or Not attending?

It may happen that a professor decides to set up two different exams, one for attending and one for non-attending students. Usually, non-attendants are required to bring some extra texts and may not benefit from lessons learned. Do not make the mistake of pretending to attend, although you do not have to sign at the lesson: the professor will immediately notice it by asking for specific concepts he has explained in class and punish you with a low vote.

How to deal with exams at the University: Written and Oral

There are several types of university exams: there are multiple-choice tests, open answer ones, those that include a script before the oral, and those that are only oral or just written. Each student has his own preferences: there are those who are better off in writing and who prefer oral because they are more capable in the show. In both cases, you will have to prepare yourself well depending on what kind of exam you will face. Oral voting is immediately communicated to the student, who can accept it or reject it. Same speech for the vote of a script, but it will be announced a few days after the test.

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