Oral Examination at the University: This is how it is done, how hard it is and how it works

Oral examination at the university

Do not you sleep the night thinking about the first oral exam at the University? Do not be afraid, it is not that terrible: We reveal details and tricks in our guide!

How does the University oral exam

Oral examination of the  University is probably the most horrific detail that students faced with Maturity: remembering the questions and the last test in front of a group of teachers who did not know, the most prone to anxiety might worry more of course, especially if they chose to attend the Faculty where oral is the norm instead of the exception.

There is then a whole mythology a bit intimidating around this exam, the result of dozens of films that are a little bit embarrassed and sadistic than what’s normal for a student’s life.

Let’s see then how it really takes a college exam, explaining how tough and how it works …

How to do a college exam

First of all, we start with a very simple assumption: there is no single model of examination , and each Faculty, but also every professor, will conduct it in its own way according to the ways it deems appropriate and appropriate to its needs. So you might be interrogated in the classroom where the lectures or in the private classroom of the teacher, either alone or with a group of students behind, in chaos or in absolute silence, in one episode or several times.

However, there are still some staples. First of all, you will be called by name on an order that you will often be willing to enroll; for small classes, however, there may be exceptions, with calls in alphabetical order, or even voluntary exit (but do not count too much).

As a rule, the professor will always be present, accompanied by one or more assistants, based on the number of people to be examined and the parts where the program is divided. Let’s make this point better: you may be questioned on the institutional part by an assistant and the monograph-specialist from the professor, who is probably the author of the studies you read as a preparatory material. But in other cases, for example, when there are a lot of examiners, you may end up with the exclusive clutches of one or more assistants, who will be fierce or willing to let you pass on their disposition. Remember then that if you have attended the lessons you may be asked for all that has been said during those hours, but if you give the exam to non-attendants, you will be given extra texts besides those scheduled for everyone.

You may also like to read: How to deal with Exams at the University: Practical Guide to Understanding How It Works

Oral examination at the university
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Look at college exams: Some advice

It is warmly advised to present clothes in a consonant manner : there is no need to be elegant (jacket and shirt are actually a bit ridiculous in this frangent) but avoid dirty clothes, caps and overall too glamorous clothing . Greet with some energy who looks at you, exhorting you quietly and listening well to the questions. Understanding what is really being asked is actually half the work to be done during the exam. It would be better to be extravagant than taciturn, but splitting them most often will not be tolerated.

University exams how they work and what questions they can ask you

Yeah, but what are you going to ask for? More and more, but we can only try to outline three types of questions. The first concerns the demand for a wide-ranging argument: you must demonstrate above all the mastery of the subject, and most of the time you will be interrupted at some point. The second is more specific and will cover a detail that you have to illustrate by showing that you have understood the essence of the matter. The third is more free, and in practice you may be asked to make a non-explicit link to the books or lesson, or to give a (partially) personal opinion on the basis of studies and opinions known in the discipline you are addressing.

Oral University Examination: How hard it is

Finally, how much does an exam take ? Even in this case, there is no unambiguous answer: could the professor consider that he is 20 minutes long enough to vote (expressed in thirty, with praise and sufficiency fixed at 18), and what is not considered satisfied if he will not bake you for at least an hour, maybe letting you pass the two assistants as an entree. If the exam fails, for the vote or the negative opinion of the professor, do not be discouraged: you can always go back to the next exam session. The trick we leave you is to listen to the examinations of others, even a session before yours, to give you an idea of ​​the method of questioning and the teacher’s attitude. Getting prepared will give you some extra chance.

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