The importance of financial education in school years

The economic future of children depends to a large extent on the knowledge they acquire when they are young. They, who are also the future of our country, should be aware of the functioning of the financial sector from school age to be able to function in this environment later on, and also do so with responsibility and maturity. Knowledge of money is very important, no exception.

Through ludic and pedagogical classes, but which are creative and entertaining at the same time, it is easier to get children to engage in activities that a priori may seem boring and complicated. Through group games and dynamic workshops, they will learn the theory and apply the practice.

It is good to encourage them with conferences such as, for example, the Financial Education Olympics, which aim to introduce children to the financial world and teach them, through educational and fun activities, the values and requirements to build a healthy relationship with the money. A good relationship with money is very important if you want your children not to fall into a bad economic situation in the future.

These activities are based around values such as responsibility, teamwork, honesty, solidarity and effort that, in addition to conveying a strong message about the appropriate use of money, represent five essential pillars for any area of life.

These are some of the benefits of financial education in children:

– Learn about the concept of money, its characteristics and its value.
– Know about ethical and responsible consumption. These two factors are the determinants of one’s financial life, whether walking toward a better (and also orderly) or vice versa, in the worse direction.

– Discuss the moral causes that encourage the proper use of money and the consequences that this entails.
– Try the different ways to earn money, invest it, enter it and spend it.
– The importance of the effort that helps to achieve the desired objectives and goals.

The workshops and games that exist for financial training focus on issues of spending strategy and consumption in daily activities, the knowledge base on advertising and product marketing and its direct relationship with money and economic behaviors (spend, invest, save, share). They also need to be taught about how to manage the loan fund because it is possible that they have to deal with it in the future. The future is something that is uncertain but can still be planned with the hope of approaching the dream. For the first step, it is better if they are taught about the different types of loan funds available in the “market.” Basically, there are many loan funds that they can access once they have graduated from high school. One of them is payday loans that have the correlation with payday schedule.

If children learn about these issues at an early age, we will be increasing the chances of them acting responsibly and independently with the money, valuing it and administering it wisely and intelligently.

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