How to memorize things fast for a test

How to memorize things fast for a test

Would you like to learn more things for the coming test? Quickly memorize everything you need to study. It doesn’t matter if you want to acquire new knowledge to start a business, learn another language, or need to study for an exam. We can all take advantage of learning faster. Let’s see how to memorize things fast for a test.

The problem is that we don’t have as much time as we would like. The day only has 24 hours, and in them, you must include your hours to eat and sleep.

But the key to memorize quickly and learn more is not a matter of time: it’s more about how you take advantage of it and practice those tasks that will help you retain more data.

How to memorize things fast for a test?

Imagine that you are going to fill a bucket with water. Most of these containers have no problem retaining this liquid, and the water will never leave the bucket unless it overflows its capacity. But your brain doesn’t work that way. Much of the information we receive “escapes,” and we forget it.

So instead of looking at our brain as a cube that retains everything, we must see it as it is: a cube that has small holes through which we learn little by little. Although this comparison may sound like something negative. In reality, it is perfectly normal, and that is how all humans work. Our brains are not designed to remember every fact, word, or image we experience throughout our lives.

How to memorize things fast for a test

How to remember 90% of what we learn

In the 1960s, a model called the Pyramid of Learning was developed. In which the method and percentages learned. According to the results of these investigations:

  • 5% of what we learn is thanks to reading.
  • 10% of what we learn is thanks to text and repeating what we have just read.
  • 20% we learn through visual or auditory media (videos, apps on your smartphone).
  • 30% of what we learn is thanks to watching demonstrations.
  • 50% we learn when we participate in debates or conversations.
  • 75% of what we learn is thanks to practicing what we have learned.
  • 90% we learn when we use that knowledge immediately, or we teach it to others.

Despite all this information, how do we learn most of us? Merely reading or attending a class passively without taking any action.

With all this I want to tell you is that if you want to know how to memorize quickly and learn more, the ideal would be to combine both passive learning methods (reading, repeating) and current ones (putting it into practice, chatting with someone about it ).

How to memorize fast: 7 strategies to learn more?

If you want to memorize and read quickly and it stays in your memory, these seven strategies that I share here below are the most effective solution to get it and more if you have to study for the test.

Just practicing one of these techniques on how to memorize things fast for a test will not be enough to achieve your goal.

1. Repeat what you are reading aloud

Many of us, when we try to memorize something, we do it by repeating it again and again within our mind; but we never pronounce it high. Repeating what you want to learn aloud while reading is a better strategy to achieve it.

Why? Because that way, our brain will be externalizing our thoughts, it will give them words, and so it will be much easier to remember because it will be turning them into something more real.

This method will make knowledge better recorded in your brain because it will receive them in two ways: the visual (while reading what you want to memorize) and the auditory.

How to memorize things

2. Record everything you want to memorize

Have you noticed that when a song is widespread? You listen to it at all times on the radio, in a store, on the bus. It may seem you end up remembering parts of its lyrics?

You can do the same to memorize something that you should learn quickly, and that is costing you to achieve it. Take those lessons you need to remember, summarize them, and record them with your voice on a tape or your cell phone.

If you are taking an online course to learn how to start your business, and explanatory videos accompany the lessons, download them, and play them again and again.

You can listen to these audios or videos anywhere: while you make food, on the bus or in the car, at night relaxed when you are lying in your bed …

It does not matter if you are listening carefully or not: all vital information will be recorded in your brain thanks to constant repetition.

3. Write everything you need to memorize

Before you remember everything you need by heart, write, and rewrite all the information on paper.

It is scientifically proven that writing by hand (instead of on a computer, for example) helps our brain to fix data better.

This technique will also help you be more familiar with what you are trying to remember. And if while doing so you listen to audio with the same information, you will memorize EVERYTHING in a fast and straightforward way!

4. Repeat the information while memorizing it

You may think that this step is the same as the one in point 1, but it makes a big difference. In the previous one, you must repeat the information you want to memorize while reading that data.

But here it’s about repeating that information without looking at your notes. Each line of text repeats it while you read it and then try to remember it without looking at the paper or book where it was written.

This will keep all your knowledge fixed in your memory. But NEVER go to the next section of information until you have memorized the current one.

5. Teach someone (or yourself)

Do you remember that in the pyramid of learning, 90% of what was learned was through teaching others? I used this method in college, and it didn’t fail me once.

Teach someone

You can do it in several ways, such as reading the information that you should memorize someone who sits in front of you. Then explain what you just read in your own words. Even if you do not have anyone or you are a bit embarrassed, stand in front of a mirror alone and practice.

It is an excellent idea to do it with someone and ask them something that has not been clear or they have not understood. In this way, you will have to pull your memory and answer their questions.

6. Practice what you learn

If you want to memorize what you are going to learn quickly, the best way is to practice it or talk to other people who know about that topic.

For example, if you are trying to learn to play an instrument, and you want to memorize the chords, when you have taken the previous steps, start practicing.

If what you want is to speak a new language, look for native people to chat within that language, and gradually let go.

You can also register in discussion forums or threads where you talk about a specific topic you want to learn about and ask questions, give your opinion, etc.

This way, your brain will get deeper into that knowledge and retain it in your memory.

7. Take a break!

Finally, let your mind breathe a little and relax. Go for a bit of walk, lie on your bed and close your eyes for a few minutes. Then return to the load to continue memorizing your lessons.

This way you will have a little time to take stock of what you have learned and of the things that have been more difficult for you to assimilate. Take stock of what you should review again.

What other methods do you know to memorize faster? Leave me a comment below and share your strategies.

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