Study techniques are an ordered set of actions carried out by the student to understand and memorize concepts, principles, or facts permanently. After observing the way of studying students who achieve good academic results, the most effective strategies have been established. The habitual use of these strategies allows the inexperienced student to make better use of his intellectual resources and, therefore, to improve his academic results.
- Print the study orientation guide and read it together with your child. Discuss with him what he is already doing and what could change.
- Post the orientation guide in a conspicuous place in your child’s workplace.
- Ask him to try to do things as the guide indicates in one of the areas where he is struggling. Let him try it for two weeks and then assess the results with him and try to get him to use it in some other area.
- In order to assess with him the usefulness of the techniques he uses, it would be interesting for him to write down what he did each day.
- For procedural areas, such as mathematics or physics, this guide will not be very helpful. Rather, you will need the help of a colleague or a senior student.
- If your child seems to have difficulty understanding what he is reading or seems to be reading it too slowly, checks with his teacher-tutor. Perhaps it has another type of associated problem (laterality problems …). He will refer you if necessary to a specialist.
- Train your child’s visual memory and visualization skills with exercise
– Look at a photo for a minute and say all the different things there were.
– Take a walk around the kitchen and, without looking, say all the things that can be seen there.
– Say how the different teachers or friends dressed.
– Make a geometric drawing with different elements, look at it for a while and try to reproduce it without looking.