The exceptional situation we are experiencing has forced students at all levels of education to study at home. But let’s be honest, this is easier said than done: many times we cannot concentrate, we organize our time poorly or we cannot be consistent. Therefore, below we leave you these tips to make it easier.
Tips for efficient study at home
To study at home efficiently you will have to put into practice the following tricks. You will see how they help you:
Always choose the same place and time to study or to follow the online lessons
Whether memorizing, understanding, underlining, summarizing, watching video lessons … discipline is always the first thing, and the best way to impose it is by creating study schedules that help us sit down and spend the necessary time without procrastinating excessively. It’s not worth getting up until you’re done!
Adapt the space to the study
Nothing to study on the couch, or worse… in bed! To concentrate, you need to have a space reserved for the study that is comfortable, with good light and temperature, where they will disturb you as little as possible and where you can put your books, computer, pens … and whatever else you need. This will also help you keep your study material controlled so that it doesn’t get mixed up with everything else.
Be consistent and study daily
Constancy is one of the great values of the human being. If you want to avoid the troubles of last-minute stresses, don’t forget to spend some time studying each day, so you will create study habits. The minimum recommended would be one hour a day, but in times of greater study or exam load, you will have to increase the time. Of course, you can take the weekends off.
Plan the subjects
From home, studying requires extensive planning. Here you will not have teachers who organize the subjects in such a common way as in face-to-face training, but that does not imply that you should leave anything to improvisation. That is why you must be orderly and go from the most important to the least to be productive. The most advisable thing that to avoid falling into negative routines is to vary what you study and how you study it: change subjects every day, dedicate a ray to memorizing, a while to make summaries …
Adapt the study hours to your rhythm of life
Not all of us have the same rhythm of life. There are people who are more awake and more productive in the mornings, while others prefer the afternoons or even nights. For this reason, each one must adopt the study hours to the hours in which it is easier to concentrate and work. Keep reading Study techniques for high school students
Take breaks
A few minutes of rest between each activity or each hour of study are very necessary to clear up, regain strength and return to the rhythm. With only ten minutes of pause, you will feel like new and you will be able to resume the study without your concentration capacity decreasing. If you have been in for more than two hours, you may need to take a slightly longer break to make the next study phase more effective.
Take the initiative
It is important that you don’t expect teachers, parents, or educators to take the initiative. In this case, everything depends on you, so show your responsibility and show that you care about your training and your future.
Avoid distractions
At home, you will surely have access to tablets or mobile phones more easily, so turn it off or put it on silent while you are studying, so that your degree of concentration will surely increase.
Beware of the computer
It is clear that if you are going to study at home, the computer will be your main study tool, despite this, we recommend that you be very careful, since the temptations to enter social networks or surf the Internet can be much greater.
To avoid falling into this, as long as you can download the class and watch it without the Internet better, so you will avoid consulting other pages. If that is not possible, you will have to make a lot of effort to focus only on the classes, putting in hours to be able to do this type of consultation as a reward.
Keep in touch with teachers and other students
The vast majority of online classes are accompanied by forums in which students and teachers can talk to answer questions.
In addition to helping you feel the support of the rest and not feeling alone, reading and participating in these types of forums and chats will help you improve your knowledge on the subject and obtain a more global vision. Surely there is a student who asks a question that you have and you do not dare to ask and if not, be the first and show initiative.