Do you have to face a short-term exam and have no choice but to study at night? Do not panic. Afternoons to accumulate academic information is a good option, as long as it does not end up becoming a normal practice. Although there are people who feel more comfortable studying at night. It is worth remembering that, with sleep and fatigue accumulated, the forces can fail us at any time.
5 keys for studying at night
So, it is advisable to measure how far we can go and be aware of our limitations. Be that as it may, it is advisable to keep in mind some tips to get the most out of the previous hours of an exam. An advance: there is life beyond stimulating drinks. If you do not have accumulated sleep and have been following the course regularly, you will be able to successfully complete the night. Choose the best time for studying at night. Good luck with your countdown!
Distribute the hours of sleep
If you know that long night is waiting for you, avoid facing it with accumulated sleep. In other words, do not get up early on the day when you have to stay up late or, at least, try to take a short nap. Anyway, put your health always in the first place and do not demand more than you can hold.
Do not stay “leveraged”
During the night it is easier to study since there are no noises and nobody bothers us, but during those hours we are also more prone to sleep. If we are sitting all the time in the same position, we are likely to get “leverage” and our muscles become numb. To avoid it, change your position, study taking small walks, read aloud make the study more “dynamic”.
Eat light and healthy
Studying with a heavy stomach will decrease your concentration. So, try to eat lightly and go biting during the night. A salad or a plate of vegetables will keep you active and avoid laborious digestion. By the way, as far as possible do not resort to drinks with caffeine: they can cause tachycardia and malaise. If you accumulate a lot of caffeine, you will not be able to sleep four hours later.
Avoid excess “warmth”
Sometimes, when studying at night, we tend to cover ourselves with blankets or put the heating on top, especially in winter. However, this “warmth so nice what it does is “sleepy” and that we sleep between and the desire to get into bed. Keep the stay at a warm temperature, pleasant but not warm.
Do not study lying down
Try to study in the usual place, with a desk and a chair. If you read lying on the bed, the dream is likely to appear quickly. Studying at night should only vary your schedule, not your other study habits.
Move from time to time
Take small walks around the house, change positions, read aloud. All this can help you avoid yawning. An interesting complement may be to listen to a song that you like while you walk. Yes, with headphones!
Take a cold shower
If none of these tips worked for you, keep in mind that nothing wakes up more than a cold shower. In any case, it is a measure of urgency that must be discarded in the middle of winter.
Have you passed the study night? Remember that, beyond specific exceptions, the key is to achieve a balance between the hours of sleep and hours of study: your brain will work more quickly for studying at night. Courage for next time!