Things to Spot When you Walk in the Countryside in the Summer

With summer coming back and the temperatures rising once again, something that we can all take joy in at this time of the year is the beauty of nature. New growth is abundant and there are many plants and animals around to see.

Of course, this is the UK and the days can still be chilly, especially late in the evening and first thing in the morning so make sure that you wrap up in suitable clothing like this irish fisherman sweater from shamrock gift if you are going on a walk at this time of the day.

Here are some of the things to look out for at this time of the year…

Baby Animals – Late spring and early summer are a great time to see the many baby animals that are abundant in the countryside. From baby rabbits to deer fawns, to numerous baby birds, new life is everywhere in the animal kingdom.

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Butterflies – Summer is the time to see the many butterflies that are resident in the UK. The orange tip, red admiral and peacock are all favourites, and you might also see the holy blue and the comma. Have a butterfly guidebook to hand when you are heading out in the country in the summer.

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Wildflowers – If you love wildflower displays, this is the perfect time to go and see them! Bluebells and foxgloves adorn the woodland rides, and even the grass verges are awash with all the colours of the rainbow, from poppies to oxeye daisies.

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