Technology and graduation rates: A direct correlation


There are many outside conversations that talk about different ways to achieve a high rate numbers graduates. Secretary of US education, Arne Duncan took the # 80 in the game holding the NBA stars to pester with the data of the highest graduation rate the country has seen since 1974. Educators are working loudly and collectively to help students finish high school in the stipulated time and prepare for the University. There are many credits to distribute the successful increase rates graduations around the country (of course, there are still many areas that are in process improvements) but in areas that protrude much deserves his triumph: the technology.

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“Technology in education is necessary for several reasons. It provides alternative methods of learning for those who struggle learning with traditional methods. The technology can be used to target different types of intelligences and also to generate authentic learning experiences for students”

In other words, technology has made it possible desalination students learning the traditional way, return to jump back and could end up in what they were working most of his youth. This can happen by taking remote classes from home, extra classes in the practice area of the campus, or even enrolling in virtual universities, public or private. The technology available for these options benefit students facing difficulties regular schedule of schools, including parents teens, students with diseases long or short term, young people with drug problems, or those with low skills learning disabilities or suffer the bullying (better known as bullying).

Equality through technology

Technology is a great equalizer in primary and secondary school classrooms. Students have access like their peers to whatever technology is enabled by the district in a specific room. As they have these certainties, as many technologies differ between districts where applicable, regularly based on the socioeconomic status of families within the district, where students have access to technology. In a way, things like computers and mobile devices in classrooms accompanying technology outside world and gives students (who may not have access to technology) the opportunity to use it for educational purposes.

Bearing integrated with the classroom direct impact on graduation rates by generating technology experiences personalized learning. A student who needs extra help on a particular topic, do not have to let him know the whole classroom, or feel embarrassed to ask in public, when computers or tablets applications for individual learning experiences. Teachers who discover an area of difficulty in a particular student can guide for more exercises to improve in that particular topic. Of course technology it is not the magic wand that will solve all problems, but if you allow more flexibility in the learning process turns out to be easier to make a group of students remain in class until the end of high school.

University preparation

High school teachers used to have the goal of helping students to finish high school, but now the pressure is based on instilling in students the idea of continuing with a university degree , as soon finish high school. No matter how advanced the technology options in a particular school, they are below the distribution of the use of technology universities. High school students who are familiar with technology in things like the selection of courses, management classes and learning modules are better prepared when they reach college. There is very little personalized support when it comes to higher education and students must be self-sufficient in life skills and technology once again walk through the door of academia.

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