I tried to study but … Wasting time!


When we are going to put to study everything that surrounds us seems more interesting than ever. Even a speck of dust can become the best pastimes.

There are many distractions, and now, with the advent of the Internet, many more. That’s why then will number seven situations that make our imaginations start flying to the time to get to school, and make it impossible for us to concentrate. Also, we give solution to these distractions to ensure effective spending less time study.

If you want your learning is fast, effective and useful carefully read these 7 tips…

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Problems and solutions to the time to get to school…

1) Study in front of a window: Studying in front of a window that has overlooking a busy street is an insured distraction. We can spend hours watching who goes; it does, where it goes…

To fix this, you should get to study in an area where the views of the window give a little busy street. It is important to remember that it is very beneficial to study with natural light.

2) Unexpected visits: It seems that everyone is waiting to put us to study to want to know about us and talk to us.

To avoid such situations you should tell everyone that you are about to study, doing not bother. When you’re done already you aviaries them.

3) Hunger sudden: When we come to study us always comes a hunger that makes us feel the need to go to the kitchen to see what we can eat, and take the chance wander around the whole house. Well, not hungry, it’s boredom.

Council for this not to happen: eat before you get to study, not much because if you overdo it you notice you tired and heavy, and this is not beneficial for the study always have a water bottle and drink continuously.

4) Social networks: It is time to get down to study when we wake up that interest in seeing what happened through social networks, research and gossiping. All this can take a long time.

To avoid these temptations off your computer before you get to study and lay it as far as possible, you can also disable your account temporarily to not be tempted to look at . It is best to study in aroom without a computer.

You may also like to read another article on StudyWatches: What are your learning style makes it easier?

5) Phone: It always seems that when going to study is when people talk about us, and if you do not already are we watching to see if your mobile phone is turned on the light, vibrating … or give any sign that someone wants to contact you.

The solution put in silence is not entirely effective because you spend hours going on the screen to see if you notice. The best solution is to have the phone out of the sight and reach, a good strategy is to ask someone to save you.

6) Order: It is time to get down to study when we enter this responsibility and tidiness, and seek perfection and order in our room.

Tip: collects and sorts your room before you get to school. The study table should also be clean and uncluttered, without anything to distract us and make us not concentrate on the study.

7) Losing scheduling study time study: When we get to study felt this need to know how much we have, how much we have studied … get organized for the fourteenth time seems the best solution where we need to arrive, we will study tomorrow …

To avoid this absurd waste of time, get organized only once. For more you count what you have left is not going to reduce. Follow your initial planning and everything will be fine.

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