Study in the network: From online universities to free courses

Study in the network

Studying online is a growing phenomenon, as well as participate in free courses offered by the most prestigious universities in the world.


In recent years, we have experienced a major economic crisis that has cast doubt on the income of many families. Hundreds of companies forced to close, and thousands dismissed Italian workers. Today, when the heads of state assure us that the crisis has been overcome and some company back to summarize personal, unfortunately, the request for a fixed salary is so high that it is the struggle between the workers to be chosen. The only requirement is that you look at the full curriculum, with qualifications and skills, which, these days few can afford, and sometimes only the web can offer. In this time of economic hardship, in fact, many families have encountered serious difficulties in ensuring their children the necessary studies for vocational training. Especially for students away from home, attend a university could be expensive : the cost of the house by renting, or expenses for travel, tuition fees and expenses for purchases of books, can be truly excessive.

Study in the network
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In such circumstances, it is clear that many have had to leave school. Others, however, considered the best choice to work, yes, but do not give up their vocational training. Here, then, that the line universities have represented an escape, becoming a new reality, more and more advantageous. Taking a look at recent surveys, that of telecommunications universities is a rapidly growing sector. The traditional universities still appeared as the winning choice on online universities; the field of education has made great progress, changing its face and accepts the technology as a useful tool to make knowledge more accessible to all. In this view, you get to the current boom of universities, eleven, and all recognized.


Today the diploma issued by a line universities are no longer in Category B, and the courses offered by online universities increase more and more, alongside the countless advantages offered. First, the lower the cost of education for the student out of the office, they will not have to travel, or to rent any house. It should also be mentioned as much study time for the student who, being able to study from home, no longer have to organize themselves according to the time of transport, or will have to worry about the housework. The decision to attend a learning university also is particularly advantageous for all working students who can thus follow the lessons at any time. The online university’s advantage, in fact, is to have the opportunity to follow the lessons 24 hours a 24, even at night, as uploaded to the portal e-learning university. This explains why, today, over 40 represent the largest number of subscribers to online universities, about 37%, then working students. Other advantages of online universities is the savings on the study material, which no longer needs to be purchased paper, being available online and free of charge. Finally, the main advantage is to ensure that knowledge has no limits: the absence of an obligation to attend the lectures, everyone, even those who live in villages poorly connected to major cities, will have access to courses of study.

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The end of the old traditional university system is also represented by Massive open online courses, better known by the expression Mooc, i.e. courses open to all, accessible only via the Internet and, above all, absolutely free. Most courses are offered in English, but you can also find courses in other languages. These are courses that can be followed through a simple internet connection. It will be necessary to register in the terms established to deal with teachers and other students, answering questions and doing tests. After completing the course, you will receive a certificate of participation.


The Mooc represent the next evolution, and everywhere all universities are preparing to exploit its potential. Among the major projects, Mooc must remember Canvas Network, whose courses are not all free, nor provide for the issuance of all certificates of participation. Usually the courses organized by Canvas Network last for a few weeks, never above eight. Each course consists of several modules, with video contributions and text. In the case of video contributions, the speaking rate can be adjusted to suit your needs and, where available, are offered use of English subtitles. Each course provides intermediate quizzes, related to a certain number of modules, and a final test to test, referred to the whole program. The Canvas Network platform also provides self-paced courses, which can be followed by the student at any time.


Coursera is another important Mooc platform, as is accorded to universities. All courses offered by Coursera platform are free, the issue of certificates of participation, however, is subject to payment of a variable amount. As well as for courses organized by Canvas Network, those Coursera are organized into modules, with text and video content, the ability to choose the speed of speech and the assistance of the subtitles. Although these courses requires periodic tests and a final test. Many of these platforms, finally, utilize the modern YouTube channel that appears rich in many instructional videos on various topics, such as music, astrophysics, literature, mathematics. YouTube is a portal so loved by the kids and for this reason, could be the right choice to bring children to difficult subjects and / or boring.

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