Not a few students who find their own partners in the faculty where they study are a classic fact that so many love stories begin right between the University benches. But what are the advantages in having a partner who is studying in your own faculty? This article will list some on which we are sure you will agree.
1) Do you understand your problems?
When you go crazy behind a regarding your partner you will understand why, having already experienced what it means to study those same books and have to deal with those professors. Who better than he / she will therefore understand you?
2) Do you have the same free time?
Having exams always in the same periods will coincide both the moments of study to those of free time. So you will avoid ruin the holidays waiting for the other to become free from the studio commitments.
3) It helps in the study of materials
It will give you tips on how to study the subjects, since one of the two there is necessarily passed before and knows how to deal with the pitfalls of the materials already incurred.
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4) You can study together
If your partner is your same course year, you can study together! While certainly the risk of distraction is very high …
5) It will comfort you in difficult times
Here, too, who can comfort you better than someone who already knows what hard evidence you need to address? Maybe one partner from a different faculty cannot fully understand your problems … those who study the same things instead certainly understand them
6) You can have many friends and colleagues in common
Studying at the same university means very often have many friends in common. This is a good thing to spend carefree moments even outside the couple intimacy
And you want to suggest other advantages in being with a partner who is studying in your own university? Write them in the comments