Languages, which job after graduation? Possible careers that you can take


Studying languages is certainly very interesting, so much so that it came to be always among the most popular degree programs. However lately we hear too often speak of a crisis in the humanities degrees, especially regarding the inclusion in the workforce. In fact, there are many professional opportunities for graduates in languages and now, in this article, we want concaveness few.

1. Translations and repetitions

A first job, actually already feasible during the academic path, is certainly to carry out translations or give private lessons to high school students. This can be a very comfortable work, because very often you can organize your time comfortably. You also do not think the gains are minor: if you can get a good, number of ‘clients’, your income will be more than decent.

2. Travel Guide

This is a classic for students of Languages. Working in tourism can be very interesting, especially for those who have great interest in culture. For example, you could look for work in museums, where you can always request the figure of tourist guide who can speak many languages.

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3. Hostesses or stewards

One area that is never in crisis and in fact continues to take is that of the cabin crew in the field of air transport. The perfect knowledge of English and another language is a prerequisite to participate in the selection. Why not try?

4. Research and Academic Teaching

If you like the university could continue trying to obtain a PhD that will start an academic career. Here too it is very prestigious places, especially if you have the goal to become university professors. However, clear that it takes a lot of effort given the competition that there is in this field.

5. Working abroad

This is not a job well determined but knowledge of languages will allow you to try unhindered experiences abroad. And this whether you want to transfer you definitely whether you want to simply accumulate temporary experience to be put in the curriculum. This student of languages seem to be the most advantaged, given the knowledge of several foreign languages.

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