University Of  The Australia Preparation Programs

Preparation Programs

The program of pre-university Preparation Programs (Foundation). This is the main way for most of our compatriots who want to obtain higher education in the most prestigious universities in Australia. As part of this program, foreign students not only “tighten up” English, but also seriously prepare for special subjects: business and computer technology, applied and humanitarian sciences, engineering. The training in the preparatory courses is built in the same way as at the university: lectures, seminars, individual consultations and practical classes in small groups.

The Australia Preparation Programs

University Of  The Australia Preparation Programs Advantages of training in the preparatory department:

  • classes are held on the basis of a college cooperating with a certain university, and places are reserved for its graduates at this university for the next academic year;
  • the student studies only those subjects that are directly related to the program of his future study at the university.
  • the student knows in advance how many points it is necessary to dial in order to be enrolled in the university;

after the end of the preparatory department students are well prepared both academically and socially, and usually very successfully complete the first course of study in programs of basic higher education. Read more: Reasons to Use Online Calculator to Calculate GPA College

Top Of The Australia Preparation Programs

Diploma programs of professional training. These are private colleges of vocational education and TAFE colleges that provide practical education, experience, and specific skills in one area or another. They offer the widest choice of professions and the opportunity to continue academic education at the University. In some cases, a graduate of the College can be enrolled immediately for the second year of the University. And the termination of the college with the diploma of the raised level (Advanced Diploma) allows to pass a bachelor’s degree and to act at once in a magistracy. Read more: The importance of financial education in school years

Translation into an Australian university from Russian, in which the student has enough to study for at least one year. At the same time, the question of the possibility of enrolling a student is solved individually by analyzing the list of subjects studied and the results achieved in school. At the same time, some objects are recycled, and some will have to be studied anew. Of course, the necessary condition for enrollment is fluency in English.

For those who already have a Russian university diploma, to continue their studies in Australia is best through the Master (Master) program. The term of study is 1,5-2 years. At the end of the program, you will have plenty of opportunities to get work in Russia and abroad.

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