Advantages and disadvantages of distance education

distance education

Currently, distance education has already firmly integrated into the system of USA education and has become a separate, incredibly popular standard. It should be noted that a large part of the population considers distance learning a great boon, especially for those who, due to a variety of motives, can not afford to use full-time education.

It is noteworthy that in this form the teacher is able to preserve not only the effectiveness but also the comprehensive training, to use a huge number of methods and techniques that have already proved their effectiveness. All this becomes possible due to the development of modern technologies, in particular computerization and the deployment of the Internet.

Advantages of distance education

best distance education

Undoubtedly, the removed form of education has a lot of advantages. Here is their abbreviated list. Read more: Knowledge technologies: how to create e-learning courses

Expansion of the “client base” of educational institutions. Not only ordinary pupils can be remotely trained, but also people with disabilities, as well as those whose geographic location is located in remote, inaccessible regions.

Greater opportunities for working with the material. In ordinary situations, the teacher is always limited by the time frame, the curriculum and even the possibility of submitting material. The absence of conventional frameworks expands the learning opportunities and allows using them “to the fullest.”

Unification of the educational process. It’s no secret that in different regions the situation with education is different. The use of remote training allows you to erase this framework and disregard the differences, centralizing educational processes at the proper level.

Comfortable conditions for obtaining knowledge. Psychological comfort plays an important role in the level and quality of mastering knowledge, skills, and habits. Distance learning allows the student to stay in a comfortable, familiar environment, and in no way violates his personal space.

Disadvantages of distance education

a distance education

Despite the undeniable advantages, it is of course not worth to idealize the distance learning system. She has a number of shortcomings that need to be taken into account and, if possible, minimized.

Insufficiently organized control. In spite of the fact that the pupil, in the course of distance learning, will perform control work, write essays and abstracts, they, of course, are not full quality standards. Checking the knowledge remotely, the teacher does not really have a full-fledged opportunity to assess the level of student preparation and be sure that when composing answers to questions he did not use cheat sheets and teaching aids.

Some theorization of the learning process. With remote education, theorizing an object is an inevitable evil – if the student is not too interested in learning and applying knowledge in practice, learning will turn into a mechanical process, and will not give the desired result.

Dependence on technology. Another weak point of this kind of education is that the electronic base can be vulnerable to hackers and, when invading it, the parties may lose all the documentary base – the history of the labs performed, teaching aids and materials to help in training.

Scatter on the quality of education and its price. With a clear lack of centralization of distance education, there will inevitably arise situations when regions will offer distance education at various prices. As a rule, this process is also associated with a poor level of quality of educational services. However, this is already a matter of market competition.

On the basis of the conclusion, distance education is not only a demanded form of education but also quite promising. However, in order to use it with maximum efficiency, it is necessary that the technical and theoretical basis is at the proper level. And, of course, interest in the educational process of the learner and the teaching party is not the last one.

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