Creative learning: how to encourage creativity

Creative learning

Creative learning- Do you want to know how to encourage creativity? Discover all about creative learning with the following reading that is full of surprises.

Psychology of creativity: how does creative learning arise?

best Creative learning

For some time now, learning has stopped being a mere process of memorization to become a sequence of empowerment of the most peculiar abilities of the student.

When we say peculiar abilities, we refer to all those that make each child special and unique.

Just as you cannot measure a fish’s ability to fly compared to that of a bird of prey. It is not feasible to do this in a primary class either. Therefore, teachers have launched to explore new learning systems.

  • Since then, creativity has been trying to take control in the classroom. But, what is creativity?
  • No, there is no single type of intelligence. Within the multiple intelligence, is the creative intelligence?

After having seen this illustrative video, I am sure that you have been able to understand a little more about this concept so, a prior, complex. But, would you teach a child how to use creative thinking?

  • It is not easy. However, there are some methodologies that allow the use of creativity as a skill for learning. For example, do you sound acronyms DIY
  • It is a clear and simple concept, in which creativity is the key to solving a problem. And acquiring that experience that makes learning.

This is where the Montessori Method, which develops around the principles of freedom, initiative, autonomy or will. The perfect cocktail to understand creative learning.

But do you know the law of maximum effort?

You have probably heard millions of times about the famous “law of minimum effort”. I’m sorry to tell you it’s not that.

The law of minimum effort begins to be fulfilled from later stages, where the small one becomes an invasion of hormones out of control. Nor do we dismiss this law as a possible precursor of creative thinking.

In its learning process, a child goes through different evolutionary stages and. One of them, is one in which the desire to overcome invades those little bodies. Causing them to exponentially develop  their favorite areas.

In addition, various psychological theories have emerged, among which is the “theory of education. And creativity”, by the educational psychologist Paul Torrance, which emphasizes divergent thinking and creative thinking.

Commonly the theme of creativity is associated with artists and designers or is thought to be a topic of discussion between aesthetes. And specialists, but in reality it is a broad topic that can be approached from different disciplinary perspectives.

Still do not know what is the importance of creativity in all this?

The simplest thing is to be clear about what creativity is for or, in other words, the advantages of creative learning. Here we leave the five most outstanding:

  • Efficiency when solving problems.
  • Greater capacity for innovation
  • Better adaptability
  • Positively influences self-esteem
  • Help express emotions
  • You already have it? Well hold on tight and do not

Do not worry, we’re almost done. We can only add this interesting video summary on the theories of creativity.

  • After all, what really interests us about all this is getting new insights into creative learning.
  • So, let your creativity flow and let us know your vision about the psychology of creativity, creative thinking and creative learning.

Towards the challenge of enhancing the creativity of our children

As children, they discover the world around them. Every new experience arouses their curiosity . And interest and they usually show an open attitude to exploration and learning, through playful experience.

This constitutes a process inherent in human development in all its dimensions. Psychic, social, cultural and biological, that happens in the daily life of their experiences. Allowing the child to know himself, his environment and build an existential sense.

What is the role of imagination and creativity in child development?

Imagination has the power to re-create the past, to bring to mind what is not present, what is not accessible or tangible to the senses. It allows time to go back to experiences that could be difficult to understand. Or feel, opening new perspectives that will transform our experiences.

Thus, human beings evoke memories and travel to them, reliving experiences from the perspective of others. Or with a more panoramic view of what happened. Feeling from another place, the world changes and with it. Our experiences are transformed and their learning is extended.

How can creativity be stimulated?

If we want to develop creativity in our children, we must keep in mind their different dimensions to enhance them. The creative mind is “inquisitive” since it is constantly asking and questioning, exploring. And investigating, and challenging assumptions.

It is “disciplined” because the creative act involves exercising skills, developing techniques. Or reflects critically in the search for continuous improvement. And it is “collaborative” because the creative process itself is empowered in giving and receiving feedback.

Where results will always be enriched if we use previous learning. And open bridges of collaboration with others. Therefore, it is advisable to encourage collaborative work among children8as) and the value of diversity.

Some guidelines that parents can perform to stimulate the creativity of their children:

  • Respect the children’s game. Bringing children to extracurricular activities and filling their agenda of obligations and activities is not the most appropriate way to enhance their creativity. The little ones need to enjoy a long time of free play, in which their imagination is the one that guides their performances and boosts their ability to be creative.
  • Provide an inspiring environment. Why not create a space for children to give free rein to their creativity? Some ideas can be: place murals where they can paint freely, have boxes in which they can store the treasures they find. And collect all the games and toys that inspire their creativity.
  • Avoid directing your games. The children like to devise new ways of playing, such as building a tower instead of the pre-designed figure with the blocks of a puzzle. Allow them to try, avoiding intervention if they wanted to use their toys in a different way. On the contrary. It is important to value and encourage you to devise and create other ways to have fun.
  • Encourage and diversify the exploration of materials and experiences. It is favorable that they have at their disposal plasticizes, papers, colored paints, cardboards. And all kinds of materials, even recyclable, with which they can give free rein to their creativity.
  • As well as providing experiences of interest to the child by stoking their curiosity, always leaving them the leading role and the initiative to act freely. Some activities could be.
  • Learning must first of all be a fun, playful, motivating and free experience. If the small artists are put to paint and create fantasy worlds. It will not be convenient to correct strokes or colors by a squared sense of reality. Our function is to provide space, materials, occasion and time to play and freely exercise their creativity.
  • Adjust the limits in their proper measure. As long as these provide protection and care to children, avoiding restricting the experience with marked prohibitions. And rules that block their spontaneous expression.
  • It is important that we adults take charge that if we want to help our children to promote their creativity we must connect with our own creative capacity. Parents who open themselves to the experience of improvising. And fantasizing, daring to be more flexible and playful as we once were as children.

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