Alternatives to study at the university

study at the university

If you have children who are old enough to go to college or have little left and they do not seem to know which way to go … This can help them. Not all adolescents and young people want to s study at the university and prefer to explore other paths. But, which roads can be the successful ones so that they can build a good future? Which alternatives are the best ones to take into account?

They are the founders of some of the most successful companies in the world, but none of them has a title behind their name. For many people, going to college is an option that is taken for granted after doing high school, but this is not necessarily the case for everyone. It may be due to lack of financial resources or lack of a grade, but not everyone can or does not want to enter the study at the university.


study at the university

Vocational training

Vocational training (FP) is an alternative study at the university that many young people opt because they are relatively short courses, there is a great variety of areas and they acquire experience thanks to the internships in companies where they will be able to carry out their work. It’s cheaper than studying at the university and they focus on occupational training … this means that they teach skills for a specific variety of jobs so that they can work in the craft or technical fields, from construction and security to education, the manufacture or medicine.

Specialized colleges

Did you like to cook since you were five years old? Or maybe you wanted to be a game ranger all your life? If your child has a good idea of ​​the type of industry in which he would like to work, obtaining a diploma or certificate from a specialized education institution may be the right option for him.

You can find specialized colleges in almost every sector of the industry you can think of, including tourism, health, photography, culinary arts, business studies, computer science, marketing and agriculture.  These specialized colleges are designed to be practical and teach the specific skills you need to enter the workforce immediately after you get your qualification.

Online courses

One of the main disadvantages of the university is that most university degrees involve a minimum of three years of study, which means that a lot of time (and money) is invested to obtain a degree. Conversely, a shorter course can be completed relatively quickly, which also reduces costs. You could even make several of them that complement each other in very specific areas.

Courses can often be done online, which means that you can choose your own schedule obtain courses and deliver tasks simply with an Internet connection.  Complete a course also means that you can work and earn money while studying at the same time. It is simply necessary to be sure that the courses you do are duly homologous and deliver a certificate or title at the end.

Be an entrepreneur

With the right idea, drive and discipline, you can be a successful entrepreneur with a thriving business.  Entrepreneurs must seek the support and resources they need to develop and maintain their business. This includes things like the space to work, the support of mentors and a network with other entrepreneurs, in addition to linking it with potential investors if your business idea is strong enough.

College is not always the right choice for everyone, because there are many other ways to make a living and build a successful professional future. It’s time to start being creative and be able to work and build a better future. Encourage your son to pursue his dreams!

Alternatives to study at the university

More and more young people consider different ways to finish the Bachillerato. Instead of going directly to the university, they decide to go abroad for a season or move to Dual Vocational Training to facilitate access to the labor market.

Going abroad

One of the factors that influence the time to study or not a university career in Spain is the price of enrollment. And in other countries in Europe prices are much cheaper. In addition, mobility between EU countries is relatively simple. Countries such as Austria, Denmark, Finland, Greece, Malta, Norway, Scotland or Sweden do not reach the 1,000 dollars of registration per course, while in Spain it exceeds 2,000. The United Kingdom, Slovenia, Ireland or Hungary is among the countries with the most expensive enrollments, between 11,000 and 5,000 dollars per year. However, although study at the university is cheaper in other European countries, we must also consider living expenses and accommodation to live outside of Spain.

In addition, although these countries are included in the Bologna Plan (in the European Higher Education Area), this does not guarantee that the titles are automatically homologated in the country of origin. To be sure, you can resolve these doubts in the NARIC center, which depends on the Ministry of Education or in this article.

Dual Vocational Training

It is an alternative to study at the university because it facilitates faster access to the labor market, since by including a module of internships in companies there is direct contact with the work for which the students are being trained. It is also an alternative for companies looking for prepared, updated and eager to learn employees.

Although the Dual FP students have experienced a significant increase in Spain, in reality they only represent 2% of the student population, while for example in Germany they represent 60% of the students. Denmark, Austria or Switzerland are other examples of European countries in which Dual FP works very well, since it is a system that equips young people with the skills and abilities necessary for the labor market. In addition, internships are usually paid.

Sabbatical season and volunteering

If you really want to get away from study at the university, vocational training and other courses, go abroad to do volunteer programs in the European Union, this may be another option. Two of the paths that can be followed are:

European Voluntary Service: consists of a stay of 3 to 12 months in an EU country as a volunteer in an NGO. People between 17 and 30 years old can participate, and it is a program that is financed by the European Commission, which covers accommodation, meals, travel expenses and health insurance. It also includes language training, which is one of the objectives pursued with this option.

Youth exchanges: consists of host programs in an EU country to carry out a program of activities together for 21 days. Young people from 18 to 25 years old can participate who develop a project together. If the latter receives the approval of the European Commission, it subsidizes the travel expenses, accommodation, food and materials that they need.


New technologies have facilitated the possibility that people under 20 also want to be entrepreneurs. Having clear ideas and meeting the requirements of an entrepreneur are key to start a project. Every good entrepreneur is creative, has no fear of risk, manages social networks and knows how the 2.0 world works. He receives constructive criticism with an open attitude, believes in himself and thinks big.

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