6 ultimate and effective study tips for visual learners

study tips for visual learners

In this opportunity, we propose 6 study tips for visual learners. Those students who use mainly reading, graphic representations, and images to learn. Pay attention!

Although the anatomy of our brains is similar, scientific evidence has shown that there are no two minds that work the same, and therefore, not a study technique compatible with all people. The truth is that human beings perceive and assimilate information through different channels, giving rise to different types of learning, for example, the auditor, the kinesthetic, the repetitive or memory and the visual, to which we will dedicate ourselves in this opportunity.

Study tips for visual learners

Study tips for visual learners

In the first place, and so that you can determine if you are a visual student or not, next, we will enumerate some of their most representative habits. They remember more easily what they saw instead of what they heard. They have a preference for reading and writing. Also, they have problems remembering grammar and spelling rules. They need to know the purpose of a project and to create an overview before starting it, they usually close their eyes to visualize or remember something, the sounds easily distract them.

Do these habits match your habits? If so, then we propose a series of recommendations to take into account when studying:

  1. Use highlighters and implement a color code to categorize and organize your material.
  2. Begin to use audiovisual material, for example, didactic videos and tutorials. You can even watch a movie or series that illustrates the subject you have to study.
  3. Do memory cards or flashcards to learn the vocabulary, formulas, and key concepts. In this way, you will have all the information you need in one place and in a summarized way.
  4. Create concept maps and infographics to organize your notes and the obligatory bibliography.
  5. Minimize distractions. For example, try to sit in front of the classroom and choose a silent and quiet place to study. In case you do not have space with these characteristics, go to a public library, or use classical music to neutralize the ambient sound.
  6. Try to take notes by hand. While it may be outdated and often takes more time, scientific evidence indicates that those who implement handwriting remember data more quickly compared to those who take notes on a computer or tablet.

I got to know 6 study techniques for people with visual memory, and I discovered if you are one of them. Take note!

We present 6 study techniques for visual learners

Study tips for visual learners


In this opportunity, we propose 6 study tips for visual learners. Those students who use mainly reading, graphic representations, and images to learn. Pay attention!

Although the anatomy of our brains is similar, scientific evidence has shown that there are no two minds that work the same, and therefore not a study technique compatible with all people. The truth is that human beings perceive and assimilate information through different channels, giving rise to different types of learning. For example, the auditory, the kinesthetic, the repetitive or memory, and the visual, to which we will dedicate ourselves in this opportunity.

In the first place, you can determine if you are a visual student or not, next we will enumerate some of their most representative habits. They remember more easily what they saw instead of what they heard, they have a preference for reading and writing. They have problems remembering grammar and spelling rules.

Do these habits match your habits?

If so, then we propose a series of recommendations to take into account when studying:

1) Use highlighters

Implement a color code to categorize and organize your material.

2) Start using audiovisual equipment

For example, teaching videos and tutorials. You can even watch a movie or series that illustrates the theme you have to study.

3) Make memory cards or flashcards

This serves to learn the essential vocabulary, formulas, and concepts. In this way, you will have all the information you need in one place and in a summarized way.

4) Create conceptual maps and infographics

To organize your notes and the obligatory bibliography.

5) Minimize distractions

For example, try to sit in front of the classroom and choose a silent and quiet place to study. In case you do not have space with these characteristics, go to a public library, or use classical music to neutralize the ambient sound.

6) Try to take notes by hand

While it may be outdated and often takes more time, scientific evidence indicates that those who implement handwriting remember data more quickly compared to those who take notes on a computer or tablet.

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