How to prepare the exams in one session? The word from the experts!
During a session at the university exams, you may have to face two tests every few days. Feel already the panic that assails you? Take a deep breath and relax: there’s nothing to worry about, just having a good organization and a proven method of study. In fact, an examination is nothing more than a verification, whether written or oral, of what has been learned during the semester or during the academic year and then prepare two exams at the same time is not an impossible mission.
Of course, we understand, the performance anxiety doubles when we face a dual challenge in a few days, so we asked the experts for 5 tips on how to prepare two tests simultaneously.
Prepare two tests simultaneously: Eye to lessons
If you know that the next session will face two exams in a short time, played in advance! Follow the lessons of both materials and take notes detailed more will be accurate in reporting the words of Professor, the more you go over easily.
Not only as recommended by the Tutor, sit in the front rows of the class, at a point where you’re sure you do not get sidetracked and where you read well the blackboard. This will be of great help both to better track, trying to catch the end of each lesson snatching so valuable clues on the topics closest to the teacher, who see well at the blackboard. Write down the professor’s schemes it is vital to understand what are the main points and make intelligent notes that they are not mere transcription of a lesson.
Also, do not wait until the end of the course to start learning every evening after class goes over the notes taken during the day. This way, you will spend the last two weeks to review, without having to study everything from scratch risking to confuse you.
Prepare two tests simultaneously: Select fixed study hours for each subject
Apply backword planning to prepare for exams is the golden tip and is also the best way to be able to prepare two or more exams simultaneously. It is a very simple procedure …
(A) Take a calendar and marks the date of your exam
(B) Establish how much time a day you can devote to the preparation of this review according to your needs
(C) Divide the total time of the exam by the number of hours of daily study thus obtaining the number of days you need to prepare for your exam
Finally, remember to divide well the day of study. Spend the morning on a subject and the other afternoon, scoring on a calendar steps: read, study, refresher. In this way, the brain will not make confusion, focusing on a subject at a time.
Prepare two exams at once: Make sure you have everything at hand material
To deal well two exams in a few days, it is essential to have a good organization. Sort your notes after each class, and he devotes a shelf in each of the two subjects to study. In this way, you help the mind to divide the two areas of study and not make confusion. The photographic memory is also very important, especially if the subjects are very different from each other. Underline each subject with a different color: it will help to clarify matters.
You may also like to read: How to find a compromise with the stress before the exam
Prepare two exams at the same time not have to memorize and study wisely
This rule is still valid, even more so when it comes to having to deal with two exams in a short time. In fact, memorizing risks to forget everything in a few days. Analyze always what is explained in class or you read in the books: If you will understand well the concepts, it will be easier to avoid the famous “memory lapses” in front of the teacher and will do you a few days to brush the matter.
A good way to avoid studying in memory is able to point out the right way by ensuring that from the outset to be the focus of the study session there are the concepts.
Prepare two tests together: How to emphasize their notes and books
First – Remember that the text to be read is always made up of a series of elements that provide information …
- The main concept, the idea
- The sequence of concepts
- The expansion of the concept
- Comparisons and differences
- The causes and effects
Second – Read and simultaneously emphasizes, but remember to emphasize only if you understand the text well
Third – Underlines little information, only those that serve to orient yourself in the topic
Fourth – Use colors to distinguish the information; e.g. …
- Circle of Red keywords
- It emphasizes the comparison words in green
- Highlight in yellow dates to remember
Prepare two tests simultaneously: Keep alive the motivation
The cove motivation when you have not the right way to do things. Maybe you’re tired after following an entire semester of classes, and you’d want to drop everything and go on vacation. It is at this time that you have to keep living your motivation : What prompted you to start college? What are your career goals ?What if I do not make graduation? Certainly not worth giving up your studies!