Remote Online Tutor – Pros and Cons

online tutor

Online Tutor– A remote tutor is a teacher who deals with students interactively at a distance using various Internet technologies, as well as multimedia tools.

Remote tutor – a specialist who has high knowledge and skills in the field of information technology, knows the methodology of distance learning and interaction with students.

One of the most common models of distance lessons is lessons in online mode using the free Skype program, as well as additional software products and services for conferences and webinars.

Distance-online-repetitorTeachers who use this format are called remote online tutors.

The requirements for them are absolutely the same as for teachers of the traditional form of training:

  • Individual approach;
  • Decency;
  • A responsibility;
  • Professionalism;
  • Knowledge of information technology at a high level.

And the last requirement applies to the students themselves, who use online services. Read more: Vocational guidance: forecast for the next 10 years

Remote online tutor – advantages:online tutor

  • Choice of individual tempo and schedule, as well as training programs;
  • The choice of duration of lessons, as well as their timely adjustment;
  • Reducing the cost of paying for online tutoring services (there is no need to pay for the tutor’s return to the house or, on the contrary, to pay for the journey to the teacher’s location; there is also no need to purchase educational literature; it will be fully provided to the student in electronic form free of charge);
  • Training takes place in comfort, while parents can monitor this process, monitor progress, make adjustments, wishes and comments, if necessary;
  • The student is engaged in safety, and confidentiality is also maintained.

Remote online tutor shortcomings:online tutor

  • distance-obuchenieHigh labor input in preparing a distance tutor for lessons, sometimes preparation can take longer than the lesson itself; Read more: 4 Tips for Choosing a Charter School for your Child
  • Low level of teachers’ readiness for interactive form (not all teachers passed special qualification courses on preparation for work with students in online mode), many are self-taught;
  • Problems with providing a stable Internet connection in many remote cities, towns, villages of our country.

The above disadvantages can be solved.

For example:

  • The low level of preparedness of personnel is easily solved due to the organization of various training courses, pieces of training and webinars.
  • High labor intensity in preparing for lessons from the teacher is a guarantee of conducting a quality study for the student.
  • The problems associated with the low cost of distance courses and the availability of high-quality Internet connectivity are solvable through the development of Internet technologies in remote regions and the development of the distance learning market in general.

School gladly offers everyone to take advantage of the undeniable advantages of virtual learning with our qualified teachers. Throughout the world, the popularity of online lessons increases every year – classes through the Internet with our service – a step into a bright educated future!

Online training with tutors via the Internet takes place remotely. At the same time, the effectiveness of such lessons is not inferior to full-time methods. And at the same time, the price of the remote online tutor is much lower. Fans of interactive learning every year is becoming more and more, try and you!

For classes, you only need a computer, headphones with a microphone and an active Internet.

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