Admission to Universities 2018: What Do Applicants Need to Know?

Admission to Universities

Admission to Universities June 20, 2018, will begin receiving documents in universities of Russia. What sites should I use for applicants 2018 to choose a university and admission? What will be the passing score for this or that specialty? What’s new in the work of admission commissions? The creators of the resource “Universities of Russia: Navigator of the Entrant 2018” and representatives of the domestic universities tell us.

In 2018, 483 state and 116 non-state universities from 83 regions of the Russian Federation that have a valid license and accreditation take part in the deception campaign.

The number of budgetary places for engineering and pedagogical specialties has grown, and it will be reduced to economic and legal specialties, on the contrary, according to the Ministry of Education and Science, no more than half of graduates with such diplomas find work by profession. In total, 315 thousand budget places for the bachelor’s degree, 74 thousand places for the specialty and 207 thousand places in the magistracy will be opened.

The highest competition in 2018 is expected in the specialty, where the results of the Unified State Examination on social studies, English language, and history are accepted – most of the graduates selected this year. However, only 17% of Russian universities have suitable specialties – and this summer more than half of entrants will rush to it.

The cheapest education is 30,000 rubles, at the East Siberian Institute of Economics and Law in Irkutsk and the Orthodox St. Tikhon Humanitarian University in Moscow. The most expensive – in Kazan, at the University of Monopolists, for the specialty of computer science and computer technology – from 1,200 thousand rubles. However, university students do not pay this amount themselves, says Terminate Trotsky, head of the department for the reception and attraction of university entrants at the University of Monopolists: “Every year we select the best candidates who receive a 100% grant for training, as well as a monthly scholarship from 12,000 to 42,000 rubles. In 2018, we will accept 250 students who will study at the expense of the grant. ”

What new trends will manifest during admission to universities in 2018 and what should be ready for applicants and their parents?

Admission to Universities 2018: How to choose a university by force

Admission to Universities 2018

Compare the conditions of admission in various universities and choose the appropriate educational institution (both in terms of education level and prices) for more than a year, a specialized resource – “Navigator student 2018”. Each university here is represented by a card with detailed information and an opportunity to go to its official website. Read more: Education in Poland: Learn Polish

But if on the website of the university in the orders for enrollment in 2017 the overall score is given, which each applicant received during the admission campaign, then in the “Navigator” – the “clean” points of the Unified State Exam received, without points for individual achievements.

Why is this information important? According to the existing rules, the entrant brings to the university a set of points that he received at the USE, as well as individual achievements, the so-called portfolio. It can include a medal (now it is called “For Special Success in Teaching”), an icon of the TRP, certificates of the winner of the Olympiads – and each position gives additional points, and at each university, the achievements “weigh” differently. Read more: How to teach a child to read in 4 years

For example, the gold icon of TR in misuse is estimated at 5 points, and at MIST – only 2 points. And in the Moscow State Pedagogical University, which positions itself as a “university for caring people”, you can score 7 points, if you confirm your volunteer activity. This is due to the fact that many helping professions are taught here.

Accordingly, recruited at the admission of 320 points in different universities will mean different. To allocate from them points of the Unified State Examination in order to assess their strengths, and the “Navigator of the Entrant 2018” helps.

The minimum scores of the Unified State Examination, which give the right to enter universities, have been determined by the Federal Service for Supervision in Agriculture in the autumn. This is 36 points in the Russian language and 27 points in mathematics. However, most universities establish their passing score for each subject, and they can differ from the minimum by 2-3 times – look for this information on the site of the university. Thus, the average USE score entered in the NIT “Mi Sis” in 2017 was 82.7, and every third person enrolled had a certificate with honors.

In addition, information about the points of the Unified State Exam gives an idea of the level of students. Who are they – good men, excellent students? The desire to enter the top university is understandable, but you need to soberly assess their capabilities. Will there be enough forces to fulfill high demands, maintain an intensive pace of training?

How universities struggle for entrants

best Admission to Universities 2018

– If an applicant previously “ran” behind the university, now the university is trying to attract the most interesting children, – says the pro-rector of the Bitumen State University Ivan Romancer. – A quality education is impossible without a quality reception. After all, it’s no secret that sometimes you can not pull up a student to the required level – he does not have basic knowledge.

The task of attracting talented students is to solve the universities in different ways. So, in the School of Advanced Studies of the Bitumen State University, designed to train young scientists, there are budget places, and a discount of up to 100% on education is possible, depending on academic performance.

And the National Nuclear University “Me Phi” takes into account the results of the Olympiads of schoolchildren already 4 years before admission. He became the winner of the COSH, say, in the 9th grade, then confirmed his knowledge by 75 points on the USE – you will study.

Programs for students with disabilities are actively developed by the Moscow State Psychological and Pedagogical University. Here they are ready to accept children with restrictions on the health of any penologists and accompany such students from the first day – for this purpose, volunteers work at the university.

Moscow City Pedagogical University, in turn, attracts job security guarantees and close university ties with employers – schools and kindergartens. It is also important that the average salary of GPU graduates within a year after graduation is 44,500 rubles. (data on monitoring the employment of graduates, which is conducted by the Ministry of Education and Science on the basis of tax deductions).

Attract new entrants and innovations in admission commissions. So, you can apply to MISIS and many other universities now, not only personally or by mail but also online, through your private office. In the same place, the entrant can follow his competitive situation. In Tyumen State University, which comes from a variety of cities in the Urals and Siberia, for the convenience of applicants operates a 24-hour advisory line.

How to enter your “own” university

Admission to Universities 2018

All the rectors and pro-rectors with whom they managed to communicate, note that a new generation of entrants has grown-they approach the choice of the university in a different way, otherwise they prioritize and ask questions.

One of the important criteria is still geography, but here the centrifugal tendencies – to study only in Moscow and St. Peters burg – are gradually weakening, universities in Bitumen, Tomsk, Stalingrad, Vladivostok, Kazan, and Yekaterinburg are increasingly benefiting.

Chosen professions gradually cease to be divided into prestigious and not very in themselves – the prestige of a particular profession is increasingly determined by the kind of university it offers, how its programs differ, what teachers work there.

Another criterion for choosing a specialty and a university is the question of whether the family is ready to invest in the education of the child. The former scheme – to file documents on the budget, rather than go, go to the off-budget – is running less and less, because the input processes now often go in parallel. And it’s better to decide whether to study on a budget or not at the start of the admission campaign.

At the forefront when choosing a university, study programs on the chosen specialty. But not all entrants and their parents know how to do this. Evidence of this is the statistics of the last two years on “re-surplus”. Having entered the university and having studied one or two courses, young people understand that they are learning not what they wanted, or not as they expected, and they are changing their specialty or even a university.

Universities respond to this situation by developing vocational guidance among schoolchildren – and creating new learning environments for students.

“Part of the recruitment to our university we do not lead to programs, but to training courses,” says the rector for academic work of the Moscow State Pedagogical University, Dmitri Anagram. – For example, applicants enter the “Pedagogical Education” direction, and after six months they undergo a moderation procedure when a special commission evaluates their merits, personality qualities and helps to choose a particular profile. First-year students have time to dig into themselves, to ask questions and make a decision.

A similar project – “Individual educational trajectory” – operates at Bitumen State University. He allows you to choose a profession only after 1-2 years of training and form it for yourself. The choice of a profession at the time of training is possible today in many universities.


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